3ds Max like Don't Affect Children feature

Is there a feature similar to the Don’t Affect Children feature from 3ds Max in Blender? The feature does pretty much what it says on the tin in that it allows you to move a parent object without moving the children in the hierarchy which is incredibly useful when you’re doing some more complex hardsurface modelling/concepting with animations to proof it out. Here’s a very simple example:

In this example the hatch panel is a child of the rotational axle. What I’d like to do is shift the rotational axle further towards the front of the panel (while keeping the rest of the panel in the same place). In 3ds Max I’d be able to just activate the Don’t Affect Children feature and move it (in the hatch’s closed state) and then all the animations and everything would still be lined up well. Does something like this exist for Blender 2.91 either built in or as a script?

Here’s the feature in Max if anyone’s got Max and is unsure of what I’m referring to:

@Nosslak Check parents in options in 3d viewport header. You can find it on top right corner.2


That’s exactly what I wanted! Thanks a lot, Pavan!