3ds Max to Blender

Hi I am a long time Max user but I am about to try Blender since I heard that it’s better
OK I have some questions under some areas

Can Blender do

Fur and Hair? and what are the render times like?
Normal mapping?
Animation layer?
Arch & design Mat?
muscle simulation
Ambient Occulsion?

SSS? . . . Yes

Fur and Hair? . . . Yes
and what are the render times like? . . . varies depending on multiple factors

Normal mapping? . . . Yes

Displacement? . . . Yes

Animation layer? . . . Not sure what you mean by animation “layer”

Arch & design Mat? . . . if you mean preset materials, then No

muscle simulation . . . No

Fire? . . . No (approximation with particles is possible)

Water? . . . Yes

Ambient Occulsion? . . . Yes

On official site: http://www.blender.org/features-gallery/features/

muscle simulation

you can do things like… make biceps bulge when the arm bone curls, automatically. i’m not sure if that’s what you mean.


i’ve seen it done using particles, and halo materials… or subdivided sphere mesh and halo materials (still image)…

I see… Oh yes can I render passes like say SSS passes or reflections while I hide the rest of the objects?

Oh yah can it do final gather and GI and the like?

I see… Oh yes can I render passes like say SSS passes or reflections while I hide the rest of the objects?

there are 20 render layers which you can use for making passes… you have to use nodes, i guess.

Oh yah can it do final gather and GI and the like?

it has AO, which is a fake GI, but for GI you can resort to external renderers like yafray, indigo, luxrenderer… i think it also can be used with maxwell. i’ve only tried yafray :smiley:
oh, it can also do radiosity solutions…
i read on one thread that one of the plans is also to implement Fast GI in 2.5.