4.0 FIX for Specular Tint Principled BSDF

Hi All,

I do a lot of stylized shading in blender, and the Specular Tint was one of my favorite sliders in the Principled BSDF (followed closely by Sheen Tint).
This lovely slider got replaced by a Color input in blender 4.0, which comes with a major drawback (at least for me), that for darker colors the IOR Level (and Sheen Weight) needs to be cranked up to a high value to compensate.

I’ve found an acceptable fix, see example below (Saturation can be utilized as well for duller colors). It works similarly for Sheen Tint.
If people found better solutions, I’d love to hear it. On my own side I’ll likely put the best solution in a script to create it in a group node on the spot. So it won’t hamper my workflow too much.
