40 sqm 'ish house visualization

Here a personal project i was working the last weeks: its a little house, 40-45 sq meters, that i tried to furnish enough “well” (i’m not architect…). Suggestion on how to improve are welcomed !

Things yet to do:
-all electrical appliances (i started with some switches)
-more books on the shelves, what else can i put that is simple to model but are not vases?
-all the outdoor: will be surrounded by a small garden and tropical trees, or at least some palms (depends on my mood and gpu)

this image to give an idea:

dining/kitchen and maybe also living :slight_smile:


study: (it’s here that i need to put some things on the shelves)


last one:

About the noise : probably i will do also some kind of walktrough (right now render times are around 5 min each frame, 200 samples on gtx 660), do you think the images are enough clear for an animation?

-Other things to do, if yet in the mood: with freestyle i will do a pseudo project (images and especially animation) with all plumbing, electrical and other things inside the walls.

Btw everything was modeled by myself (i did all this also to have some kind of library), some textures from cgtextures and stock.xchng ,all the rest are inkscape/gimp/blender

As alwais suggestions adn c&c welcomed :slight_smile:

One way to think about it is to give the inhabitant some kind of history. People surround themselves with personal tchotkes and memorabilia. Is he a beer drinker? Maybe a collection of beer mugs on one of those empty shelves. Does she like horses? Some horse statuary or stuffed animals might personalize the space.

You might want to re-think the built-in cabinets in the kitchen, it seems the cabinet doors by the sink open to expose the plumbing, and there is a lack to waist high drawers for utencils/cooking gear. Some pans or cooking gear (spoons, skimmers, spatulas) might hang on the wall.

Take a walk through a home-furnishing store and note things that look cool to you.

The cabinets in the kitchen where one the most difficult thing to place…; you’re right about the sink plumbing, those doors are for covering them, plus one can put in the space left at example bottle soaps, etc.
I will replace the cabinet at left and maybe also right of the oven with drawers and thank you for reminding me about cooking gear on the wall, i moved to other things and forgot placing them…

Here a image if someone have a better idea than mine of disposing furnitures on the room, without changing doors/window placement(circles are where i will put drawers):

Some little updates:

kitchen/dining should be finished for now:

started to work on the project, plan. I tried freestyle but is drawing lines also where there shoudn’t be…for now only in BI, i am aiming for images to be enough clear to understand, if the house is badly designed and cannot “stand up” that’s another thing :smiley:

Kind of finished the video about the “plan”, a pair of images:

In fact i will need to re-render 200 frames out of 480 becouse i realized is better to move the overlayed text (in first image) to the center low position. Render times are more o less 20 sec/frame.

Ok i guess now the study room it’s enough detailed, render times are higher than planned so i call this finished if you don’t have any critics, suggestions:

Just 200 samples, more than 5 min.
The background will be similar to the other rooms, probably i will add some billboards or 3d palms, dof and maybe improve a little postprocessing.

edit: i will need to shrink a little the seat “foot” and the color of the green books is too much saturated.