45 min SMC entry.....

well i havn’t posted anything in here for ages due to me starting something and never finishing it =P. So i thought why not put this remote up since its not too bad for 45 min rush of modelling, texturing and renderng.


:o Great!
I like the texture work on this one.

I guess I’d better keep away from the 45 minute contests, I could never make something like this with limited time :wink:

  1. pofo

awesome entry neo! that blur really does it for me =D

::adds to the pot:: =D

heres mine… this was one of the funner contests eh neo?



cool :stuck_out_tongue:

RIPOFFS! :smiley:

heheh, really cool guys. I especially love thos Db buttons :smiley:


this was my entry, this was fun indeed!!! having one tonight??? http://www.angelfire.com/pa5/pontiac/smc.html

You should have put blender functions on the buttons :wink:
Like Rem Doubles and Extrude.

quit being so incredibly humble. you know it, i know it, that’s WAY above average for an smc, and a wonderful image period.

all very nice 8)