45 Rotate Gesture [Blender2.8]

Easy Rotation 45 angle with mouse wheel or XYZ key

Numeric input like 90 ° and 180 ° will be easier.

In Blender, you can only perform angle snaps by 5 °, and you need to enter a numerical value when you want to make a half rotation or 90 ° rotation, but this addon eliminates the trouble.


$3 - gumroad


View3D >

  • Cmd + D
  • Ctrl + Shift + D

Gesture Modal Keymap

45° Rotate

  • D key
  • MouseWheel Up/Down
  • +/-

45° Rotate & AXIS

  • Z/X/C/Y

-45° Rotate & AXIS

  • Z/X/C/Y + Shift

Supported Version

  • Blender2.8 (ver1.1~)
  • Blender2.79 (ver1.0 only)
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