'69 Nissan Skyline GT-R KPGC10

Hello everyone!

My name is Martin and I just started using Blender. As far as I love cars, I decided to model this old Skyline as my first ever project done in 3D.

So far I have modelled just the hood, bumper and a bit from the side, I’m quite happy with the progress, but please tell me if there is anything wrong and please criticize me! :wink:

Here is my flickr page for more photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/miskolciart/sets/72157630000043514/with/7315428554/

So far it looks very clean. How did you get the zebra type effect to check for reflections? (I think that’s what you were doing). What is your modelling technique? I’m sure a few other people on here would like to know too. :slight_smile:

Yes, it was to check the reflections, seems it needs some corrections… It’s just rectangular planes with emmiter material.

The technique, well pretty much what everybody suggests. Start with big planes, and subdivide them so that you have even curves etc.
I started with a big square as the bonnet, and by subdividing it I managed to creat somehow nice and quite smooth surface, for the side I again started with a big rectangle, with edges matching those on bleuprints, than subdivide in the centre, match the top line, again subdivide, again match and so on.
I might take screenshots during the next progress, to show you my technique :slight_smile:

Classic car fan here!!

I’m also curious about the zebra stripes… emission planes?
Another thing… the mesh render is cycles?
If so, how did you done it?


Yes the “zebra” effect was to check the reflections, its just basic planes with emmiter material.

My modelling technique is basically what everyone advises. Start with big planes and subdivide them.
For example I started the bonnet with a simple square and by eventualy subdividing it I managed to do quite a satisfying result. As for the side I again started just with a big rectangle, with edges matching those on bleuprints, subdivided it, matched the new edges, subdivided, matched and so on… Used many reference images also helped quite a lot, wish I had a scale model :smiley:

I might be doing screenshots for the future progress, to show you the technique itself :slight_smile:

Here is a reference picture, to show you what the real car actually looks like :slight_smile:


Great work so far. Looking forward to updated progress.

A little progress here as I don´t have much time to have fun with Blender.
I have done the roof, side and started working on the rear. :eyebrowlift:
Now though I have realised that I have to remodel the side windows as I can´t really cut holes for them in the wireframe I´ve created there.

Also, I´m going to do this model very detailed: interior, textures and materials, everything, to learn as much as possible. Wish me luck! :cool:

Btw, does someone also have problems with 2.63? I can´t render my blend file from 2.62, it renders like if there where no materials, just black area where the model should stand in. After I finally imported the models and materials from the 2.62 blend file to a new file, created in 2.63 the rendering started to work, cycles was impressively fast! But after saving the render image multiple times I can´t find it. :frowning: Also it doesn´t show me some subfolders (?). Think I have to stay with 2.62 or wait for 2.64, quite a pity, I wanted to try the BMesh.

Also, had a thought about how the final scene should look like.
Here is a little teaser: