7 day water fast **UPDATED**

Instead of going on a “diet,” ketogenic or otherwise, I suggest that you thoughtfully walk around the perimeter of a grocery store, and buy (and learn to cook) “what ‘looks appealing’ to you.” A vegetable, literally, might jump-out at you. Or, it might be meat for dinner tonight. And, so on. Or, page through a cookbook and buy the stuff and make the recipe. (You don’t have to “clean your plate.”) If you learn to listen to it, your body will “instinctively” guide you to whatever it needs.

Oh yeah, and: no sodas or (god help us all …) “energy drinks.” Ever (again, starting now).

You naturally won’t add “tons of sugar” to anything. You’ll naturally eat a lot more fresh things. You’ll also discover how ridiculously cheap-n-easy it is to make much better stuff than ever was in those frozen boxes that you’ve been paying $3 and $4 apiece for. And, finally, you’ll discover “the joy of cooking.” :slight_smile:

I don’t know why people have such a negative attitude about fasting.

I’m not against some forms of fasting, where it’s a day by day basis thing, like in Ramadan where you don’t eat or drink(or sin, but tbh no one actually follows that part) from 4 AM to 7/6 PM(depending on when the sun sets)

I mean sure you skip out on breakfast and lunch, but in the end of the day, you still get the nutrients you need to survive,

But what I’m not fond of is just not eating for 7 days straight.

Humans are no different from any other mammal - even if they are too afraid (or smug) to admit that.
How do think e. g. lions and wolves survive? By eating regular meals every day? If they can hunt game successfully, they eat. If they catch nothing, they fast - sometimes for many days and to my knowledge without taking vitamin pills… That’s how our bodies are constructed to work as well.

Our modern life with its plethora of food on every consecutive day is a perversion of our biological program and the sole reason for the evergrowing obesity (and connected health issues) of people in the western world. There is substantial medical evidence that short periods of fasting (up to two weeks / once a year) make us stronger, not weaker, and trigger the activation of our inherent self-healing potential.

What??? Different groups of mammals have very different digestive systems and different nutritional requirements. Essential nutrients for a class of mammal may be different for another. Something that is toxic to a class of mammal, may not be for another mammal. And continuing to do so … So these extreme comparisons is almost ridiculous.
The wild life is not a paradise, it is a continuous struggle for survival. And it is very common to have times of famine where many individuals die.

Even they are not very valid comparisons with the monkey man or cave man, comparisons that are very common to make lightly. We are a very advanced evolution of it all that. Evolution achieved thanks in part to dietary changes/evolution.
And one thing is sure, modern man has a life expectancy far greater than those wild cave man that could feed only when they could hunt.

Yeah, sure. You say that with the same certainty of what you said in the first paragraph.

It’s coming up on 7 days now, only about 12 hours left. I feel very tempted to extend the fast to 10 days or more. I never thought I could actually do the whole 7, I thought I would give up. Fasting is definitely more easy than it would seem(at least to me), once you get through the first couple of days and your hunger goes away it feels normal. I’ve also come away with a lot more empathy for people who are starving, not by choice, but by lack of food in their environment. It would be really scary to not always have the option to eat and not know if any food will ever come. And I’m sure once your body starts to eat your vital organs things turn more painful…maybe, I don’t really know.

My first meal will be liquefied celery mixed with water, and then I’ll have some homemade bone broth that I have been cooking since yesterday mixed into my diet. It will all be done very slowly. After the liquid phase(a day or two) I will move on to soft food like vegetables, tomatoes, and then start eating eggs, red meat etc.

dude…eat some fucking food. The occasional fast is one thing But your body needs food to live.

You can’t just scarf a burger after a fast.

Depends on your body, I’m acclimated to intermittent fasting, so I have no problems going 4 or 5 days on water only and then eating a double sized steak. But back to the point I made, After some fasting eat some fucking food. If someone is doing a week of fasting then talking about going almost 2 weeks more then this is the point where we need to ask if there is an eating disorder here.
I grew up with someone with an eating disorder, I’ve heard all of this before. I know that celery might as well be water for the nutritional value it has (( Actually it is good for vitamins and minerals, but nothing else)) for your body and I know a bone broth if done right can be good for you, but it can very easily be just flavoured water. I’ve seen this.

So I will say it again, eat some fucking food.

Relax, I don’t have an eating disorder. I don’t have a history of not eating, and like I’ve said multiple times on this thread: I DON’T WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT.

I am slowly adding food after the fast so my body can adapt easier. I’ve read of people eating too much too fast, and it made them sick. I just don’t want to be sick on Monday. And my bone broth will be wonderful! It’s got 3 lbs. of short ribs, 3 lbs. of other bones with marrow, carrots, celery, and onions.

I will probably start eating tomorrow morning, so it will be about a 7.5 day fast.

I think you misunderstood. He wasn’t talking about going another 10 days on top of the 7. That’s critically dangerous and might cause damage to someone his weight.

Blonder, I just felt tempted that’s all. I feel so great right now that it feels like I could go on forever, but obviously that’s not possible.

Yeah…I was wrong. My sister use to say the same thing all the time, But obviously the doctors who had to force feed her must have been full of shit at the time.
But in any case, I wash my hands of the matter.

Look, I’m sorry about your sister; but you’re probably projecting your own experience on this with nothing but a couple of forum posts to go on. I guess that you forgot the one where he describes himself as thin? At any rate, neither you nor I are qualified to play psychologist with Geo.

On a personal note, I’ve seen a psychologist; and It was a great deal of help for me. I’m quick to suggest it for anyone going through anything; or anyone who just want’s to improve their condition. That being said, NAMI is a very good resource.