7950X3D + 3090 for modeling and rendering

Hi guys, i’m building a new ryzen setup.
The Ryzen 7950x3D has an Interal video card inside the cpu.
Can I use the 7950x3D videocard for modeling, and the GTX 3090 for rendering?
I know you cannot do it in a notebook.
I also know in the past it wasn’t possible either in a box.
Is it possible nowadays?

Because if it is not possible, I would rather buy 7950x instead of 7950X3D.
Thanks in advance!

The 7950X has also an igpu inside. I don’t think you can use both igpu and dgpu simultaneously in Blender. In general I think it can be done by enabling igpu within the BIOS, but it’s not worth it, and I never tried it. Buy the best GPU you can afford to finish renders quickly and start working again. The other solution is to build a dual GPU system and assign the render tasks to the second GPU, keeping the main GPU for modelling etc. The igpu of these processors are on the low end side and not capable of handling heavy modelling tasks and viewports in general.

Can you explain a bit why these choices? I mean the 7950X and the 3090? With a high budget, like the one you seam to have, there are better choices for Blender.


So a couple of things.

All 7000 series AMD desktop CPU’s have an iGPU. Having said that, they are really only there to get you to the desktop, run a web browser and generally not much else.

Technically, you could maybe in theory run the desktop and Blender using the iGPU and then just configure the 3090 as the render device, but it really would be pointless.

Second, the X3D chips are really more targeted at gaming. Will still all work with Blender etc, but if Blender is the main focus and no real plans for max fps gaming, then get the 7950x or even the 7700x, unless you really need all those extra CPU cores for something.


Thanks Birdman and Tony for your answer.
I’m upgrading from ryzen 5950 rtx 3060 to a new setup.
I’m an architect.

Everytime I was running out of memory from the 3060, I had swiched from gpu to cpu in order to render. CPU render is slow but have no issue with memory.
Probably with the 3090 24GB will never have memory problems.

I render 16k panoramas for VR from time to time. And sometimes they are pretty heavy in memory. The 7950x is a just in case. It is better to have the panorama done even if it slow, than don’t having it because of running out of memory. I usually render during the night in CPU, I can get a 16k panorama render per night average.

I remember following some Blender users that use two cards, per example a 1060 for modeling, and a 2080 for rendering. So the viewport doesn’t struggle.
That’s why I was asking if I can use iGPU for modeling, and 3090 for rendering.

Do you think that is still necesary with the RTX 30 series cards? or maybe that is an outdated workflow for 10 and 20 series?

Thanks a lot gusy for your Answer!

The 5950x is still a valid CPU. I would keep it for now. I would definitely upgrade the GPU but I would prefer the 4090 over the 3090. Same vram but twice as fast. Just be sure to get an adequate PSU for the job. A 1000+w platinum would be a solid choice.


The only reason they did that was because with the RTX 2080, they could cycles render using Optix, taking advantage of the RT cores. Having said that, it would still be pretty pointless, except for one usage case.

They could configure a Blender instance to render something at full speed on the 2080, while then continue to model something else in another Blender instance using the 1060. It’s sort of like have a render node, but all in one PC.

Personally it would be better to actually have 2 PC’s, but to each their own.

Even if one wants to do that, the iGPU still is far from ideal and given the size of GPU’s now days, fitting more then one inside a normal system is far from easy.

birds idea of just getting a 4090 (if it will all fit, etc) is likely a better initial option. The 5950x is still a pretty darn good CPU, while the 4090 will make your current 3060 look like a dead snail.

Can still update later on and even if you do, the 4090 will continue to be a beast of a card for many years, either as a main GPU, or in a second PC as a render node.


In my country, unlikely the 4090 is four times the 3090 price. $4000 vs $1000.

So, In conclusion, for someone else reading this.
7950x & 7950x3D both processors have iGPU.
7950x3D is just for gaming.
And using iGPU for modeling and 3090 for rendering is not recommended for Blender.

Thanks Guys!

Where are you located?

South America, Argentina, we have many economy distortion. Usually we pay double in USD for new technology. If you shop one step behind prices get more reasonable.

Ahh, ok, well the 3090 is still a pretty darn good card and you still get the 24GB VRAM. So just grab that, drop it into your current system and see how you go.

I think doing that you could then just skip the whole current CPU generation and easily wait till likely 2025. The jump from a 3060 to a 3090 is still a pretty serious leap in performance, even without the double VRAM difference.

I would keep the 5950x, as it is still a very fast CPU that has good power efficiency. The 7000 series seems to be very power hungry and produces a lot of heat. I would also keep the 3060 as the main display card and add the 3090 as a rendering device. The benefit of the double GPU system is that it allows for multitasking and takes the load off the secondary GPU.

Blender instance itself takes some ram even before you start rendering. So a single 3090 would not have access to its full 24 gigs. As a secondary card though, it would.

So save some money by keeping the existing hardware, and upgrade your power supply and if necessary the motherboard, so there are two GPU expansion slots.

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I too have the 5920x AMD and upgraded my GPU to the 3090 instead of the 4090. They work perfectly together. Real-time rendering with Cycles is so fast that I now keep my viewport set at Cycles previewing instead of using Evee “look dev.”

However, I’d also suggest maxing out your motherboard RAM to the highest your motherboard allows: Mine is 128 GB, which makes my CPU happy when modeling.

Wishing you the very best luck with your new build! :slight_smile: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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