'87 Civic Hatchback

After my 6th generation civic, here comes 3rd generation.
Hope you like


Looks good!

Looks really good so far.

Very nice. Can we see some wire ?

made some progress, slow goin, don’t have much time


nice modelling, love the tires :slight_smile:

Looks really good to me, but I can’t say anything to accuracy, because I’ve not jet seen a reference picture. If you could please be so kind to post one, I (and many others) would propably be able to give some more reliable comments.

here you go


7:4 for you (to the BMW Z4, currently modelled) :slight_smile: .

All in all, it looks quiet clean and really good. It seems to be near to its real pendant, but there are still some things, that don’t fit at all, in my eyes. If you have nothing done to the windows and stuff, you may propably skip 3 to 6. Anyway, here we go (see the attached image for the refered locations):

1: I think, this part of the car is little too high over the ground, it looks like it even starts a bit above the half of the wheel. The real one looks like it starts slightly below it, but this may be some perspective problem too.

2: On the real one, the light looks quiet a bit smaller, but may be a perspective problem too.

3: Try to keep the same distance there, at the moment, it looks a little missplaced. Some trick would propably be, to first model some gap, where the window would fit in (what should be easier than trying to keep the distance on two meshes) and then copy the inner vertices of the gap and build faces on the duplicates (maybe separate the window mesh before).

4: The curve from the front window to the rear seems to break too hard there.

5: This part should be more rounded down, th build a nearly horizontal line with the windows (maybe a bit higher and with a slight curve).

6: Same as in 3, but more distinct.#

7: There is a bit harder break of the hoods curve.

Overall, well done, this are the only things, I found until now. Lets see, how it looks, once the body is finished.

Keep it up.


Sorry for taking me too long…


Looks good. Keep working on it and you’ll have a killer model.

here’s a quick clay render


Absolutely stunning! So as I’m asking prettymuch everyone – how do you model your tires?

How did you put the detail on the side of the tires? Is it simply UV texturing? I used that on my tires, but I’m wondering if there might be a better way.

Finally… someone’s working on a model that isn’t a sports car… It takes more guts to tackle an ordinary car than a Ferrari or BMW… oh wait… never mind. Glad to see you’re doing something different. Keep up the good work!


It’s a little hard to see from the thumbnails, but make sure that you have the door side-panel distinct from the hood side-panel. That you do this very early on…

The modeling seems proportionately correct and the tires are very nice.

You can always click the thumbnails…

Why would you cut the panels very early on? Don’t be too hasty with this. If, for example, you have to add extra detail (like an edge loop) in the door for the handle, you end up with a door and a panel which have a different number of vertices on their outer edge. That might result in the panels not being curved exactly the same, because the extra vertex in the door edge causes the subsurf to be different.

made some windows, you can see some texturing going on…
slow progress;)


I can see a few anomalies in the bottom image.

  1. There is some buckling just behind the headlight, in the side panel.

  2. The seams of the panels are too big; you can look through them, albeit very irregularly. In a real car you may also be able to look through the seams, but when you see light shining through it, or when looking from the outside you can see the floor under the car for example, I think it’d be best to make them better fitting.

But the model is progressing nicely. Don’t spare the mouse, and keep working :slight_smile:

BTW, you didn’t answer my question above about the detail on the tyres.

I simply modeled those tyres, and i’m using autosmooth option on them
mixed with some bump maping