I am about to remove the math module for unix-like OS users… but in case of
error only. I wrote my own math module (sin, cos, asin, acos, tan, atan,
atan2) in full python but the accuracy is not as good as in the original one
(0.0001 or perhaps 0.00001).
I think it could give a better autonomy to the script
Again problems with version 227_04d and blender during export (everything with meshes is going ok-in my opinion it’s something wrong with textures) :
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'UNPACK’referenced before assignment
And why i can’t select other material in material editor???
F.e. I’v selected object with material.001 and than in povanim i go to material design interface an everything is going very well .I push init and than in matlist is material.001.
Than when i’m changing other object with material.002 i go to material design interface there is still only one material.001??? Only after restart script i see new material but i can edit it separatelly. I choose object with mat.001 and ->Init->edit than next object with mat.N and there are settings i use for material.001, when i change it material .001 is also changed???
From other side.
There’s no polish documentation of povanim. There isn’t even good tutorial. Can i do one based on Your site/or translate your site??
And why i can’t select other material in material editor???
The material editor is very complex to write and to be completed . Only normal effects are usable, see the page:
To modifiy material, you have to use blender itself:
F.e. I’v selected object with material.001 and than in povanim i go to material design interface an everything is going very well .I push init and than in matlist is material.001.
For the moment, you can not do anything more than what i explained in the documentation (normal/bump_map)
Many stock-based cars on various racing circuits are required to have a reinforcement in the center of the front windshield. Note in NASCAR “stock cars” there are three.
You are quite right. It’s a matter of low-res textures, black background is a place for tribunes and buildings, now i’m working hard with both povanim (my first work with povray) and my yablex mutation to choose best one for finall effect - as you said - clear without hdri.
I’v done several probes with env map at all surfaces with internall blender render but it hasn’t such real feeling as raytracing.
Btw. Any method to do good specular/lens effect with yable/povanim ?
Your work is great ! I’m still feeling like newbie .[/quote]
I’m holding Your crits and other advanced artists in high esteem. It’s very important part of my blender’s creation. Respect !!!