99* Days of Blender

Day 12- Why is this so hard???

Well, I did it. I did what I said I was going to do in my other sketchbook:

This horrible, mid-90s infomercial-esque graphical monstrosity took me almost an hour, and it’s still not a 1:1 to the reference:

Or the sketch:

Truth be told, I had to eventually admit I don’t know how to make it 1:1 to the reference :expressionless: I tried probably a few thousand focal-length and camera position combinations, and nothing worked perfectly. To be fair, it’s not bad, and I learned a lot from this, but I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. To put my question clearly- how do you translate a 2D concept into 3D space with an identical perspective??? If I was just working from a drawing, my inability to get 1:1 perspective would make sense, but I was working from a photo. There has to be some combination of focal length and camera position that exactly matches the real-world camera in this case. Especially since I’m using real-world sizes for everything in this scene. I measured the pool and the pillar and everything.

I’m feeling frustrated if you can’t tell. I’ve tried this exercise many times and I’ve never once gotten 1:1 results. I just don’t understand what I’m missing. Everyone I see here on BA seems to be able to flawlessly execute a scene with good perspective, I can’t even do it working from a photo :frowning:

Music: no music, I needed some quiet time. Earlier this morning, I was listening to Bach’s organ works. Very good for the soul :slight_smile: