A bone in my armature is behaving oddly, it won't rotate normally or at all in some cases

My bone just won’t rotate as I have known bones to rotate normally… I can technically make my bone spin in 180 degree increments but no more than that. For example if I make it turn 200 degrees it will turn 160 degrees, 180 - 20 (200 - 180 = 20), so it’s the same if I turn it 275 degrees, it will only turn 95 degrees because 275 - 180 = 95… If this doesn’t make any sense and sounds really weird then just know you’re not alone and it is for me too, I’m not a new Blender user and have never encountered this problem. The problem is I have animated on this rig extensively and don’t wish to restart the animation all over again by making a new rig…

In this image you can see my transform options before I keyframed it to rotate 360

And in this image what the numbers look like when I rotated 360

Change the rotation mode to one of the XYZ Euler options.
Quaternions behave differently, and won’t rotate in a full circle in the way that the other modes do.

This video explains it quite well:


Thank you so much Magpie! I had shortly got an answer from the Blender sub Reddit but this is exactly what they had said! Though this video is very helpful for understanding why so I thank you for your help! :slight_smile:

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