A bridge between communities - Blender and GamePlay3D

Just joined the forum and thought my first post should contribute to bridging between the two communities. I found GamePlay3D after looking for a free and cross-platform game engine.

Being a Blender user I had mixed feelings about BGE. I love its ease-of-use but I really wanted something I could use on any platform and without licensing restrictions. Unity was another option but it just didn’t look lightweight enough to my taste.

If you haven’t heard of GamePlay3D, be aware that there is another very usable and highly maintained game engine you can use with Blender. You should also know that the GamePlay3D community is struggling with some issues revolving Blender’s FBX exporting and axis system.

I think that in the long-run, the two communities can profit from “blending” together :wink:

It looks nice, but not friendly enough, didnt saw any video tuts. Does it even got a map editor or you have to code one? As for the axis youll have to make a script that will change the direction.

I spent a great deal of time going over that same list trying to choose what to spend my time on :yes:

The only thing that came close enough for me was Maratis. I used it for a while and really liked it.
I think what differs gameplay is the fact that it supports almost all platforms: iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Linux, MacOSX and Windows right out of the box as well as its permissive license. It is actually quite unique in that sense. I’d say it’s programmer-friendly, meaning you should know your way around C++, building procedures and the likes.

I hope BGE can go truly cross platform and that it will not impose any licensing restrictions. What could be useful for me now is having a direct Blender -> GamePlay exporter so I can avoid those FBX issues.