a computer

i made this for an animation. in the animation you zoomed into the screen and suddenly the screen became 3d then the 3d chess thing came outa bound where theres only black and in that black area there ware a bunch of 1 and 0 like it would in a computer… not if you looked into the computer but you se what i mean=)


thats strange… people use to post messages pretty soon here but no one has… are people ignoring me. as for the modell i ditent spend much time on it and i know it isn’t very detailed.

I don’t think people are ignoring you, there just isn’t much to say. Here are my remarks though: the thread of the mouse is too thick IMO. And the table isn’t casting a shadow on the floor, which is also quite weird. The materials (especially the one used on the table) could certainly use some work. The computer case looks rather undetailed: there are no buttons (like reset button, power button etc…) whatsoever and the little lamps that indicate the HD’s activity are also missing. Furthermore you might consider to add a diskette station to enhance the detail of your case.
All in all, this project gave me a rushed impression and could certainly use some work. But it has potential!

Good luck and Greetz, Fritz

yeah i know… i made it real quick… usually i spend much time on these projects

i have made a computer to

do you like it??

yeah i do! its really good! you must have spent much more time on yours than i did on mine=) the only thing you could do to improve it is to turn your computer on. maybe take a screenshot of blender or something like that. if you have an msn adress you could send me it and i could send you the animation i made for my computer

i fellt really ashamed posting that… so i uppdated it and now its much betther i think… maybe the chess stuff in the baackground doesnt fit and the pillows on the chear isnt to good… agree??


You know what? That updated image has a certain surreal charm to it. Shadows going all over the place. Wheels missing on the chair (as they are on some real chairs). I quite like it.