A Cube

Here’s a simple cube I made, nothing special. Although it is a little special…



Whatcha think?

That’s pretty awesome, you should add steam coming out of the pipes.

woah! wasn’t expecting that at all…i like it! :smiley:

Now that’s fun! I too was expecting something completely other than else.

new desktop :slight_smile: that’s pretty sweet :slight_smile:

Totally freakin’ sweet!

:open_mouth: Did NOT expect that. That’s good! Very well done!

That looks really neat … same here , expecting a cube , but not of pipes , :wink:

Thanks everyone!

edit: the image didn’t work, so i re-uploaded it in a later post.

I’m still working on the steam/smoke, and the materials.

um, the pic doesn’t work…

huh. it works for me.

how bout this?


ah, that’s better…

that looks awesome :slight_smile: