A curved plane out of a bezier circle?

Hi Forum,
I’m doing a HG helmet and started now with it’s visor (I have the WIP in the “Focused critic” forum for other questions, hope it’s valid to make a different type of question here).

Easiest way to make the contures for me was to use a bezier circle and twist and bend it. Now: Is there another way to connect the vertex together (upper with lower ones) other than alt-C and then go on each group of 4 and press “F”?


Cool helmet. Try lowering the resolution on the circle before you convert it to a mesh. Then you will have less points to “F”, you can always then subsurf and tweak.

thnx oldskoolpunk,

didn’t know you can lower the resolution of the beziers… Here’s an update of what I have. The grass is still on my base bar and looks bad, but I’m improving slowly.


Yes, very nice helmet indeed.

There are a couple things you can try if you need the detail for more precise contour fitting… for future reference, after converting to mesh, select all vertices and hit Shift-F, which should create all the faces at once, followed by Alt-F which should clean up the shorties, followed by a Ctrl-N.

Note this this doesn’t always work, especially if you’ve got twisted and tweaked control points on your curve before you convert it, the triangles tend to come across slightly off, looking more like draped fabric with creases… which may or may not be faster to fix than to re-model it. :wink:

Sometimes it looks perfect out-of-the-box, so to speak. Sometimes.

True, I tried the Shift-F, but in case of the helmet’s visor, it connected the points exactly the wrong way, so I had something like a concave shape inside the helmet, I don’t know if it’s clear… Bad luck, I guess. I’ll keep blending and eventually post updates here. Any advice on the grass growing through the HG bar?

So, the helmet is done, I guess. Now I have to concentrate in the HG bar. Should become something like below. Still could not get rid of the growing through-grass.


Set the bar’s deflection on, and set it’s permeability to 0.00… this will prevent the grass growing up through the bar… you can play with dampening / soft body damping to make the partices move away from the bar in a natural way for grass, if that doesn’t work you can always subdivide your grass plane and make the part under the bar a separate mesh, and have it deflect separately… more control that way. (remember none of this is real grass, real aluminum, real nylon… it’s just pixels… you’re allowed to fake it.)

Thankx H.T. that solved it (see below) - I hope I get to this again sometime, but for now it’s good for a rookie like myself…


lookin’ good, lookin’ good! :smiley: