a fantasy street

some photoshop post process and paint



wow very great job !
like usually :slight_smile:


nice work man. very impressed.


niiiiice…did you use the lsystem plugin for the trees? you know the new one has fruit! ( i haven’t downloaded the new one yet but it looks cool )

yes, trees, leaves maked with LSystem

Oh endi, that’s so good. That’s a place I want to hang out.

Where do I get that Lsystem stuff? Is that a blender plugin? me figures out that’s a rethorical question I want to make such great trees also. shivers
The mood is fantastic.

Found the script fires up blender

:o fucking (<–this is censored) AMAZING!!!
The lighting, the mist the incredible modeling and texturing, all of this just make a fantastic fantasy mood!
great work endi!

endi! it’s amazing! how much time do you spend on a pic like this one?

Very peaceful!


:o :o
Incredible, beautiful rendering and lighting always.

Amazing, you put it on CGtalk, yeah, 4 stars man!!

Wow! That must have 20 bazillion vertices!

Excellent work. I can’t even find anything to crit!

dude… this is deja- f*ckin vue. i swear u have put this up before…

i hope you have, ill hella tripp if u havent…

Very nice! I just want to walk up those steps, see what’s up there!

I noticed that you are using Blender 2.23. Any particular reason?

What were some of the tools/object types/etc you used?

I ask because I’ve been working on a Blender export script for a project of mine (http://interreality.org: online multiuser 3D worlds). So far only a small subset of Blender’s features are implemented, and I want to know where to go with it in the future.


Of course, we’re always looking for artists and programmers who want to try out the software too. It’s somewhat usable; it will be more usable in the next release (a month or two).


Awesome. In one of my short stories I’ve been trying to think of how to make the streets look. This is exactly it. Cool.

Solid work !! :smiley:

Good stuff!!

Blend ON!

WOW!!! Awesome!! Possibly the most impressive work done in Blender I’ve seen in quite a while. I’ve gotten used to Blender nature stuff to look unreal-ish/game movie gfx from a couple of years ago so this was quite a surprise. Shocking in a very good way! Congrats.

Excellent image!! It looks very…peaceful! :smiley:

Awesome work! The lighting is fantastic and makes this one stand out beautifully.