Had much of fun modeling this girl character!
Feedback would be so welcomed! Thanks))
Nicely done.
Only feedback is that it’s a little strange for the eyebrows and eyelashes to be stylized, while her hair is done realistically.
I love it! It tells a story in two very subtle ways. She looks like she’s been crying or is about to cry, and the highlights in her hair growing out make you wonder what her life was like when she put them in. Very real, very human.
Thank you for your feedback! I’ll make all realistic or stylized for next one ))
Thanks! to be honest I didn’t think about the story for this but the story you put is a great interpretation!!
Huge fan of this style of art and storytelling.
I really appreciate it when wireframes are included so big ups to that . I’d like to question if she’s monolid or has double eyelids? Because the bottom eyelid on the left (screen left) suggests she’s monolid (my anatomy is a bit weak so correct me if I’m wrong
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Thank you Ayanda! I tried to make her slightly double eyelids. I’m also weak about anatomy knowledge yet haha so, I also have a question)) you mentioned the lower eyelid on the left suggests she’s monolid. That means there are differences on lower eyelid between monolid, double eyelids?
I thought lower eyelids have no difference when I made it. And googled some eyelid images just before. If I’m wrong, please correct me! haha thank you so much again!
You’re much better than me hey . And you’re absolutely right, there’s no difference on the lower eyelid. I believe I phrased that question the wrong way. I was trying to point out that the double eyelids are for the upper eyelids but the left lower eyelid had another layer to it. (Thanks for pointing that out though)
Haha no problem. I tried to put make up on the lower eye lid as well I think that’s because it looks like having another layer😊