Hello guys, I’m kinda confused and wanted to help.
I would like to create games (and my dream) but I do not even know where to start programming, I know a little modeling, but I’m horrible program.
So I wanted to know a great tutorial for Python for BGE.
Anyone know a good and really teach?
September 20, 2014, 8:13am
I recommend you read the first couple of guides you can find in my signature link. The resource forum contains a sticky with other links too.
Goran made a tutorial series for Python and the BGE. The series focuses on making a simple tunnel runner game, which is a good point to start at. As far as I know, it’s still relevant to the latest version of Blender.
September 23, 2014, 2:35am
Sometimes I find http://www.tutorialsforblender3d.com reference examples useful, although consulting the BGE Python API may bring to the same result…