A Learned Shape-Adaptive Subsurface Scattering Model

A novel new algorithm which will add much more realizm to SSS-based models. It is just paper now. But it would be good if Blender developers implement it to the Princepled BSDF shader.

Here original info:
Authors: Delio Vicini, Vladlen Koltun, Wenzel Jakob.

Ren­der­ing of trans­lu­cent soap blocks with sig­ni­fic­ant an­iso­tropy (g = 0.9). (a) Di­pole dif­fu­sion-based mod­els such as Photon Beam Dif­fu­sion [Habel et al. 2013] yield over­all flat ap­pear­ance due to their in­tern­al as­sump­tion of iso­tropy and plane-par­al­lel light trans­port. (b) Our learned sub­sur­face scat­ter­ing mod­el ad­apts to both geo­metry and an­iso­tropy, pro­du­cing more real­ist­ic ap­pear­ance and lower er­ror com­pared to a path-traced ref­er­ence. Ac­count­ing for the geo­metry leads to in­creased scat­ter­ing around the sil­hou­ette and over­all high­er con­trast in re­gions with geo­met­ric de­tail. Our meth­od has con­stant sampling weights, hence ren­der­ings con­verge with few­er samples. Please see the sup­ple­ment­al ma­ter­i­al for an in­ter­act­ive ver­sion of this fig­ure in­clud­ing er­ror maps.


Sub­sur­face scat­ter­ing, in which light re­fracts in­to a trans­lu­cent ma­ter­i­al to in­ter­act with its in­teri­or, is the dom­in­ant mode of light trans­port in many types of or­gan­ic ma­ter­i­als. Ac­count­ing for this phe­nomen­on is thus cru­cial for visu­al real­ism, but ex­pli­cit sim­u­la­tion of the com­plex in­tern­al scat­ter­ing pro­cess is of­ten too costly. BSSRDF mod­els based on ana­lyt­ic trans­port solu­tions are sig­ni­fic­antly more ef­fi­cient but im­pose severe as­sump­tions that are al­most al­ways vi­ol­ated, e.g. planar geo­metry, iso­tropy, low ab­sorp­tion, and spa­tio-dir­ec­tion­al separ­ab­il­ity. The res­ult­ing dis­crep­an­cies between mod­el and us­age lead to ob­jec­tion­able er­rors in ren­der­ings, par­tic­u­larly near geo­met­ric fea­tures that vi­ol­ate planar­ity.
This art­icle in­tro­duces a new shape-ad­apt­ive BSSRDF mod­el that re­tains the ef­fi­ciency of pri­or ana­lyt­ic meth­ods while greatly im­prov­ing over­all ac­cur­acy. Our ap­proach is based on a con­di­tion­al vari­ation­al au­toen­coder, which learns to sample from a ref­er­ence dis­tri­bu­tion pro­duced by a brute-force volu­met­ric path tracer. In con­trast to the path tracer, our au­toen­coder dir­ectly samples out­go­ing loc­a­tions on the ob­ject sur­face, by­passing a po­ten­tially lengthy in­tern­al scat­ter­ing pro­cess.
The dis­tri­bu­tion is con­di­tion­al on both ma­ter­i­al prop­er­ties and a set of fea­tures char­ac­ter­iz­ing geo­met­ric vari­ation in a neigh­bor­hood of the in­cid­ent loc­a­tion. We use a low-or­der poly­no­mi­al to mod­el the loc­al geo­metry as an im­pli­citly defined sur­face, cap­tur­ing curvature, thick­ness, corners, as well as cyl­indric­al and tor­oid­al re­gions. We present sev­er­al ex­amples of ob­jects with chal­len­ging me­di­um para­met­ers and com­plex geo­metry and com­pare to ground truth sim­u­la­tions and pri­or work.




By the looks of things, I’m not sure exactly what the advantage is here compared to the Random-Walk SSS in the 2.8 of Cycles (other than perhaps faster rendering).

In addition, since they talk a lot about dipole-based shading and machine learning, I’m left to wonder if this would require a resolution parameter and if this would break down on shapes that deviate a bit from what is in the training data.

In my view, the next frontier of SSS is light actually escaping the object and illuminating geometry on the other side.

If you missed it, here’s also a new development that could significantly reduce noise: https://eheitzresearch.wordpress.com/772-2/

Sorry, but i dont understand you what did u mean?

Is it also in dev stade on BF?

No, these are just general computer science developments that could be useful in Cycles.