A Link Inspired Character

I made this model just cuz i was bored…and ill probably not finish it…just cuz ill get mad at it.or give up…like i alway do =(

but here it is…it still needs lots of tweaking…and i need to join the arms and legs to the body somehow…make a 6pack, and more detail to the arm and leg muscles…

but idk it pretty crummy…so dont make fun of me…lol


Looks like a pretty good start to me.

It might be easier if you start by making a low poly mesh and add more polys as they become needed for detail instead of starting out with so many.

I agree with Post. Check out the low poly character modeling tutorial at Montage Studio, that will be enough to get you a good base mesh, then build off of that.


Tip: don’t model from primitives like that. Eather start with a cube and use loop cut, extrude(e) and knife(k) to create your model. Or poly by poly model- use ctrl+ LMB to add vertacies and fill in the faces using the f key. Normaly you would want to use a combination of both tecniques.

that tutorial is my favorite =)

but i cant ever make the legs and arms look right…

Looks really good! For the 6 pack, use the Sculpt mode, Add Brush.

thanks killer B…sorry i had to say that…i watched Half Baked for like the 100th time last night lol

i might restart it and do Jonathan’s low poly tutorial…but idk where to get that reference picture! lol

Don’t scrap it. It looks good =D Just use the sculpt mode. It helps ALOT. Fargo Doshnickle was made used using the sculpt tool.


but idk how im going to connect the legs and arms to the body with out it looking like crap

ok i have a new new problem…

i cant sculpt to save my LIFE =(

While I don’t start with primitives either, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad way to go. You could start from primitives, then sculpt them to get a good base proportions (no details, just the shapes) and then build new geometry over it using the ‘retopo’ and then continue working from that new mesh, adding details etc. Also, if you work this way, you don’t need to connect the base primitives, since you can bridge those areas when retopologizing (is that a word?).

primitives…as in the details?? or what.sorry my brain is fried…i havent sleep for a full 8hours in like 3weeks…whats REtopo???

but idk i guess i dont get it? cuz of these big smart words…=P

Heh, well guess I much like hessiess, assumed that you were building the geometry by creating a cylinder (part of the built-in primitives) and then manipulating that into the shape you wanted. ‘Retopo’ is a mode in which any geometry you create will ‘snap’ to the underlying surface of another object. So if you are happy with the way your current model looks, but perhaps not so happy with the actual geometry (too many polygons, too few polygons, bad polygon flow) then you can use the current model as reference and start building a new model over it by activating the ‘retopo’ mode (you find it under ‘mesh’ when in editing mode).

o ok thanks.

i might restart…its really bad…i should have made the arms and legs attached to the body

well, retopo, in my honest opinion is ok when you have a lot of experience building models, so you know how to use loops correctly and how to make good topology, and using sculpt and then rebuild the model using retopo well requires quite a lot of practice, so my advice is: build the model using traditional techniques like box or poly modeling and once you have it looking ok then go sculpt the details or retopo it. later you will sculpt directly and retopo when you have more confidence.

ok i completely Restarted this model…i like this one much better…and i just realized somsing…(something)

i dont need to have him with a six pack…or any muscles on his front side…he will be wearing a shirt of somesort!..wow i had a total blond moment!(sorry for you blonds…im blond lol!)


Ears…maybe…i might have him with really long hair…but idk id still need some thing there
Jeans/male Skirt A.K.A Kilt.(probably not tho)
Sword holder
Gangster(JK) Belt
…if one else can think of anything.ill add it to my TO DO LIST


Legs look too thing xD

your right they doo look to THING…lol JK
ill fix that up and have an update in a little bitt

Hips are too thin as well. You should also define the chest some more. Even if you are going to give him clothes, I suppose it doesn’t hurt to practice making a base mesh that looks good. (Not that he needs a six pack).