A MODO artist learns Blender [Newest video: #7 Parenting]

Y’Know, I almost didn’t watch these because the camera motion at the very start of video 1 made me seasick, but I re-visited and simply skipped the camera intros. I’m glad I did. I come from Cinema 4D (since it’s original days on the Amiga) and finally V15, and whilst there’s stuff that C4D does well (I loved the spline modelling tools, and really hope that Blender gets true spline modelling eventually, curves are a poor substitute) the more I explore Blender the more I like it.

Each video I watch teaches me something cool that I didn’t know (and these are no exception). I am also glad that it’s not just me that finds the Blender way of doing somethings (Ctrl-NumPad 1, 3 and 7 for example) to be unintuitive and slow.

Wow @Cédric, that’s really cool! :slight_smile: Different workflow than in MODO but very smooth, versatile and elegant as well.

I’m trying to learn Blender out-of-the-box first to get the basic principles under my belt before I start diving deeper into customisations but I have to ask: What are you using that’s giving you these radial menus and nice colour scheme?
Looks sweet! :slight_smile:

Thank you for the video demo, I greatly appreciate it.

Oops, I’m sorry about that - it was definitely not my intention! I’ll make sure to behave in the future when it comes to camera movement. :smiley:

It’s a personnal pie menu I coded.
You can do the same with booltool and hardops.

When it comes to comparing features, I do feel like it’s a shame when finding out you’re not going to do it any more because of emotional tension in the Modo forum. I took a peak at your knife tool video, and found that this thread is becoming a very informative source that the devs. can make use of to improve Blender’s tools and workflow (providing they are the ones that don’t work as well as the Modo version anyway).

We would like to see you do more comparisons and eventually move to other areas rather than just modeling (even if it means just doing it on this site).

Wait, what? Who said that I’m not doing it anymore? :wink:
Just because some people on the MODO forums reacted in unfavourable ways doesn’t mean I won’t continue to do these videos. The vast majority of responses on both the Blender and the MODO side has been very positive and encouraging. :slight_smile:

I fully intend on continuing this series and also covering many other areas than just modelling. My main expertise and interest is in VFX and character rigging/animation workflows as well as shading and look dev so I have a ton of things to get familiar with in Blender.

Oh, so I may have been looking at the wrong context then when seeing this line (which I thought pertained to your comparison effort)

Can we agree to let this topic rest now? I have no interest in pursuing this any further

Nice to see that you will continue (which as I said, both the .gif images and the videos are well thought out to the point where the devs. themselves can use this thread as a resource, and as such helping to improve Blender in the process :)).

That comment was referring to a discussion about this bullying comment to my video by a The Foundry employee which had derailed the thread. Instead of talking Blender and MODO comparisons, the thread had spent almost two full pages on personal soap opera stuff, so I asked to let this topic rest now - meaning the personal insult stuff, not the thread overall! :slight_smile:

It’s encouraging to hear that you find them helpful and beneficial to the development process. Unfortunately on the other side of the fence the reaction isn’t quite as welcoming.

Eventually, you might want to start formulating proposals for the new feature request site based on what you found in your videos (which the devs. said they plan to go through if Fweeb can keep the site clean and organized).

Well, I hope the scene changes to one of analytical discourse - academically, I think this is all a pretty good exercise of looking carefully at the whole app as you go instead of just assuming it is the only way it will happen.

I second the proposal site, it is starting to shape up over there already.

Hi. I watched your videos. They’re interesting!

Regarding basic tools, try pressing R twice in object mode for a nice bonus feature of the rotate tool. :slight_smile:

Did you know you can add shortcuts to get the 1, 2, 3 selection modes?

Also, about viewport navigation - did you know that instead of using the numpad to snap the view, you can just press Alt after you start tumbling? I’ve stopped using the numpad snapping altogether thanks to that feature. (You still have to put it into orthographic mode with 5 though if you want that)

The thing you’re most going to be disappointed with about Blender is probably going to be editmode performance. It’s basically a relic left over from ancient times. I think it’s being worked on with the viewport drawing overhaul, but as with all Blender development, there’s no ETA.

Hey first of all I want to say that I am really thankful for your effort and please go on with the great work !!!
Because the biggest benefit of your videos is not only the content but the great input from the community and the motivation to discuss standard features and their usability.

it’s very interesting to see people here willing to help and see workarounds and solutions for different tools. In my eyes this is definitely a huge benefit for the whole blender and foundry community.

The comparison between Blender and other programs is a huge inspiration and motivation for people to develop plug-ins and make this piece by piece a big player besides other alternatives.

Sadly this is one thing I can only see here in this forum, not really on the other side at the TF forum. Hope this will change and get back to the tone I am used to.

One little thing for a video or better as a little side note is the downside of blenders open source strategy or better said their licensing. Because one thing blender doesn’t have is the ability to work with other third party internal plugins ( if this is the right wording ) like HDR LightStudio, vray, arnold … yes, I know there are workarounds and exporters but most of the time this is not stable for a fast professional pipeline.

Is there a masterplan which topics will be discussed next in your videos ?

I’m using Maya style navigation, as it’s pretty much the standard in every software I use (3d-Coat, Substance, Unity3D). Is there a way to use some other trick or modifier to achieve this result?

I think your discussion is going well here because you are looking at both tools analytically. You state clearly what you preferences are and why but at the same time do show issues that do affect people in general.

Most of the times comparison video threads devolve into trolling or circle jerking.

Your thread is successful (here at least ) because you are showing where Blender is better and where Modo is better but showing weaknesses on both sides equally. A lot of times these videos have a bias to them where someone prefers a tool and is just looking for a way to point out that Blender is not that tool.

Things like selection highlighting are things that are addressed with add ons but your video clearly shows why it’s important that it be built right into Blender and it’s something the BF can look at in the future (possibly 2.8).

I can’t wait to see what your take on sculpting is and I think you said you would do a vid on workplanes vs the 3d cursor. I happen to love workplanes coming from XSI. As long as I have been using Blender I have never been comfortable with the 3d cursor so I would love to see your take on it.

Anyway keep em coming.

Well, Vray does have official Blender integration and it’s quite nice from what I’ve seen. Same thing for Octane. But you’re right, plugins that interface with proprietary software do require more effort than normally. This has been discussed many times and is a bit of a touchy subject, so I’d encourage anyone interested in all the GPL arguments to just search the forums instead of derailing this very nice thread.

Hey Chris, Hopping over here from the Modo thread.

Let’s not let that negativity spill over here, shall we? :slight_smile:

Honestly, no idea. There is the Maya keymap you can select, but I’m not sure how true to Maya that is since I don’t use it.

This has been discussed many times and is a bit of a touchy subject, so I’d encourage anyone interested in all the GPL arguments to just search the forums instead of derailing this very nice thread.

… It wasn’t and is not my intention to discuss this topic. It’s senseless to discuss things we can’t change at this time.
But it’s one of blenders shortcoming and was a little hint for chris if it comes to points like pipeline integration for both programs.

Sounds good to me, Piotr. What happens in Modoland, stays in Modoland.

Agreed, any problems you (Modo users) have with The Foundry should not become Blender’s problem as well.

I would also note this, should this thread here fill with negativity, the developers will cease to participate in it on account of it becoming ‘noise’ so to speak. If you want the developers to keep reading the thread, then we must make sure the videos remain front and center.

Too bad about the drama in Modo-land. I’ve been really enjoying these. A lot. Blender Artists can be a bit of a powder keg with these type of topics, but this one has been unusually smooth sailing and productive. I’ve watched every video, and to me they all came across as very fair and constructive.