.a monster.


this is the result of training a face modeling without images of reference. It was made over blender 2.43 and the post pro = GIMP.

Fedora Core 6.

Sorry for my english :o


Pretty nice, texture is like from Silent hill 3.


Thanks for answer.

Low-res and blocky? I see the resemblance…

Anyway, extremely simple, terrible lighting(flat), bland textures, but at least youre getting somewhere. The model is definately the strongest point of this image, but…

The whole model needs more defining light. A strong light, with some AO would help this a lot.

The Shader(material) needs some change, as it looks very simple, and obviously repeated, not much of a texture at all.

Honestly, this looks like more of a test, but keep it up. Try some lighting and texture painting tutorials, and youll go far…

bump map???

He’s got a bulbousy forehead. O.o