A new fork of the engine

Hello everyone,

Tonight as promised UPBGE 0.2.4 is released after a long period of work after a break.
This release is including plenty of features and optimizations in various domains, I invite you reading the release note now available in github wiki : https://github.com/UPBGE/blender/wiki/Release-notes-version-0.2.4

This release will be the first to experiment an alpha and beta release, the alpha is the one currently and a beta will be finished in 2 weeks including bug fixings of bugs reported in these 2 weeks.

As usual downloads are available in download.upbge.org or by these links. Note that windows 32 bit is not available for the moment.


For people who already made a game with UPBGE, take a look at this : http://bit.ly/upbge-call-for-content