A new free rig, Tux the Linux penguin


Basically what the title says, I’m realising the Tux rig I made some time ago to the blender community, see http://www.hessiess.com/tuts_resorce_1.php for the rig and more information.

Wow , nice Riging … :slight_smile:

cool I’ve always wanted a little penguin to animate for tutorial purposes, but never had the time to make it…

The only problem here is that the mouth doesn’t open and it is missing facial animations

The biggest problem with facial animations on this character is the eyes, the shape makes them almost imposable to create good shape keys, as it would rilly need a different mesh structure for open/closed. as always, suggestions are welcome.

quit nice 3d version of tux…
but the deformations on him really need more work. also the rig i think. currently it’s impossible to make him for example sit on the floor or bend forward even…
