A New Friend

Trying to work on my story telling and fine details. Everything was modeled in Blender with some of the objects textured using Substance Painter. Let me know your thoughts or if there’s anything I can improve on.


This is wonderful. Very sweet and warm.

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You did a great job!

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Thank you so much!

Thanks a ton!

This is nice, especially in the storytelling department. I think the robot’s color is a little bit saturated and the robot, his face especially, maybe his arms, looks very child-like, both in the sense of being a child and having been created by a child. Maybe because his eyes are so perfectly round and innocent. (I’m not sure if this is something you will see as much of an issue though.)

The ground texture looks slightly off too, like it is lacking the density/detail of the other textures.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thanks for your input. I agree that I probably did go a little too far with the color grading. It does look a bit too saturated. I was actually going for the cutesy look. I was trying to contrast a cute looking robot with the really warn out materials to hopefully give the viewer an uneasy/ lonely feeling. Thanks again for the feedback. I appreciate it.