A new OS specifically designed for blender

Please inform us what you try to install (which Linux distro did you choose)?

I agree with mib2berlin that it is wise to try a more main stream Linux for the first initial tests.
( Ubuntu or LinuxMint or else perhaps Fedora or openSUSE )

Perhaps start with Ubuntu as well, the problem with any Microsoft product is that they tent to be intolerate towards other OS’s on your system, Windows forces it self to be the one and only. Where Linux distributions tent to detect and ask. Above link might help you to get the dual boot going.
GRUB is the magic solution you are looking for (a boot program)

Perhaps that “OPEN OCTAVE STUDIO: You are the music. We are the means.” is something to consider?
It looks very promising! It is very young, (relatively unknown) but at the same time mature (experienced developers, mature product) :slight_smile:

If Open Octave has recording functionality and with the new functionality (roadmap 2012) where amongst video tracks it does brighten the future. They still do need help (funds) though.