Blender 2.53 Internal Renderer + HDR Image !
Its looking nice.
Blender 2.53 is a dream come true !!! I still cant belief how powerful Blender 2.53 has become !
WOW chrome sphere 2.0
whats next…this looks like a quick render test than an actual finished project that should be posted in the testing section not finished projects.
Blender 2.53 is a dream come true !!! I still cant belief how powerful Blender 2.53 has become !
I’m not sure.
A nice render !!!
why you need 2.5 for this?
I see you used my tutorial I’m honored.
endi, it’s not so much that it NEEDS to be rendered in 2.5. I wrote the tutorial as a way to introduce Blender 2.5 to beginners and users coming from other programs, because HDR lighting is a common concept in other software programs.
Jenifer, where did you get that HDR image? I like it a lot!
Seconded ! I have used that .hdr in a couple of images, it gives a very nice soft light, quite beautiful.
Nice image Jenifer, though I wonder if the concrete isn’t a little too reflective, and it could be improved with bump and specular maps.
Keep up the good work
A reflective concrete… interesting concept. As endi said, I don’t really see why such an enthusiasm for a HDRI map applied. You didn’t even explain your work.
why not ? :eyebrowlift2:
Welcome to the cult. I hereby appoint you king(or queen) of the n00bs. You will carry the crown until you are succeeded by an even greater n00b.
Wow, guys. It’s based on a tutorial I wrote. The textures came pre-packed (with the exception of the HDR image). It’s just a short tutorial to show users how to light a scene in Blender using an HDR image. Should it be posted in final projects? Maybe not, but if she’s proud of it she should show it off. Don’t cut her down because it’s not the “next coolest thing”.
The fact is as the title says “Blender 2.53 Test Render” it’s all natural to expect something interesting according to the new versions of Blender with more features. But when we open the topic, all we can wee is a plane and a ball with some beginings of texturing/shading/lighting. I dont deny the fact that someone who made one of his/her first image must be proud of the effort and share it to others, but this work is not finished at all. It’s one of your tutorial ? Yes cool, but let’s see what we can make with your explanations. We all made balls like this at the first time, but who made the most interesting ? This is the question ('cause you can make art with these only two things), but taking the exact same thing that your explained in your tutorial is not art (btw I did not see your tutorial, a MP link ? please.), it’s technically finished but it’s not an Image.
The fact is as the title says “Blender 2.53 Test Render” it’s all natural to expect something interesting according to the new versions of Blender with more features. But when we open the topic, all we can wee is a plane and a ball with some beginings of texturing/shading/lighting. I dont deny the fact that someone who made one of his/her first image must be proud of the effort and share it to others, but this work is not finished at all. It’s one of your tutorial ? Yes cool, but let’s see what we can make with your explanations. We all made balls like this at the first time, but who made the most interesting ? This is the question ('cause you can make art with these only two things), but taking the exact same thing that your explained in your tutorial is not art (btw I did not see your tutorial, a MP link ? please.), it’s technically finished but it’s not an Image.
Point taken. You can download the tutorial from my blog: