i’m trying to make a cog, and it has 120 teeths to it…
it’s taking me ages now…
is there a way to select one vertices and then skip one from the (alt + click) function?
tried to show it through the easy way
i’m trying to make a cog, and it has 120 teeths to it…
it’s taking me ages now…
is there a way to select one vertices and then skip one from the (alt + click) function?
I can think of a couple of things you can do:
-don’t model the whole thing, just model 1/4 and use mirror modifiers to complete.
-Look into addons that make similar shapes:
If i understand well, what you want is to select all, then click on Select on the bottom menu and choose “Checker Deselect” .
By default it should do what you want, but depending on your goal, you may then press F6 and tweak the settings.
Circle select inner vertices, then Ctrl-i invert selection?
Add menu> Mesh>Extra objects> Gears> Gear?
Though it may not be exactly what you want, this one took exactly 3 minutes (Blender was already open :evilgrin:)
oh, sorry for not explaining it, what i acctually wanted to know is how to get from a circle to that, and sancutary did it