A really simple scene stuck in 0% when rendering

Hello everyone,

I’ve got a really simple scene and it won’t render. I just want to render an image, it’s not even an animation. The scene have a can of soda, its droplets, a plane for the floor, 2 lights, a camera and an environment texture for the World.

The most complex element may be the droplets because of the particles modifier, but I tried deactivating it and it didn’t work either. Also tried moving all the elements to a new project. The biggest textures resolution is 4096x4096, not even that much.

When I hit the Render button it will just get stuck at 0% and will never start to render. Blender working correctly, no crashing. When I cancel the render and close the render window it crashes. Rendering in CUDA with both GPU and CPU on.

Just turned to Blender 4.0. This project is completely made in this version of Blender. I have a RTX 3060, 32GB RAM, and a Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core. Didn’t had any issue rendering the base scene (cube).

Any clue about it? Thanks in advance:)

Welcome :tada:
…traditional debugging… hide all objects for render …and enable one by one and test render… some simple samples will to at first…


Thank you very much! Just tried and seems to be the soda can. I thought it may be the particle system but it isn’t, tried deactivating it and didn’t render.

This is the soda can’s geometry… :confused:

does it have a lot of subsurf?
that could be the issue

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3 of subsurf for viewport and 2 for render, seems pretty normal

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how complex is the shader?

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Isn’t that much :confused:

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If you mean you have both GPU and CPU in preferences as Cycles render device, try turning off CPU.
Using both CPU and GPU just slows down your 3060 and can cause problems. It is best to either use one or the other.

(even if you turn CPU off in preferences you can still select CPU in render settings for scenes that use more memory than 16G, or to use path guiding etc)


*Also, try enabling OptiX, it’s usually faster


Just tried both CUDA and OptiX with CPU turned off in preferences and it didn’t change anything :confused:


Why is your subdiv higher in the viewport? You have that backwards.

How many samples are you using? What’s your VRAM usage looking like?

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It looks like a pretty simple scene, I see no apparent reason it should not render.

One long shot would be to open a new file, delete everything and then append the objects, lights and camera from your original file. This sometimes works if a file gets corrupted.


128 samples. VRAM 12288 MB

Thought the same and also tried it, didn’t work. But thanks for the appretiation:)