A room

A little more work on the speakers.


wow, they look great, and they still blend with the scene!

Wow. This is really looking good. Only comment about the speakers is that the box-like base doesn’t seem to match the style of the piece.

Maybe you got a better solution to the base? I am open to all ideas to improve my work.

Desided to finally start making the room. But i think it went a bit too far or what? I amde a whole mansion instead. Still need texturing on the house and fix a lot on the interior side.


i think thats going to look pretty awesome when you texture it, thought i might suggest having a bit more thickness to the roof line. such a better environment than your first box room, much more in keeping with the furniture. does luxrender handle water caustics?

off course lux handles caustics. is unbiased renderer.

i see no evidence of caustic operation in your water , hence the question. I know only a little about lux render and got disinterested for the time being when my current project resulted in an untexturable building. I would have had to start all the textures again so i left it.

THe caustics in the water is not visible cause of the depth of the water. Maybe I will try to get water caustics later on from another angle in the pool.

ah cool. good luck hunting for the best angle to show off this rather impressive collection…

More furnitures made for my library. Gonna try to get all furnitures in the scene so I can make a rendering of each room or something like that.
