A scifi cartoon NPR (2D) Scene (blender+ freestyle)


Recently I have tried a new version of Freestyle (integrated in Blender).

So after some tests, I have render some picture which I really like.
Freestyle is a great addition to blender and a wonderfull and powerfull Tool (thank you the dev (Maxime and Tamito) !))

So, the pictures (tests) :

Freestyle + blender-edge (for the building) (character is 2D) :

Freestyle (+some retouch)

Only freestyle :

Hope you like it :slight_smile:

You can see others examples on this thread :

definitely, i like it. Really good job. :wink:

Awesome, it mach´s your style, just perfect…!

looks awesome ! great stuff !


Thank you for your comments.

I have tried some others characters I have made in the same scene and add the hand of my Guy “Jik” :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: top amouth of stars for me


Another rendering test with Freestyle :

Really nice work!
I gotta look into Freestyle now.