(If you use Blender 2.5x or later, please use new CSV F-Curve Importer and CSV Mesh Importer instead.)
What is CSV Importer first:
This is a Python script to import a CSV file into Blender and create IPO curves or meshes.
CSV Importer v0.5 beta3
Main features:
This script, CSV Importer can import data of a text file formatted with CSV into Blender and create IPO curves or meshes. When CSV Importer is useful is following. When you do a physics simulation using motion equations, what do you do to see the result in which many objects move in a 3-dimensional complicated way, for example? A way for it is to use Blender and animate the motions and make a video. So CSV Importer will help you to import the result of the simulation to animate them. And all that you have to do is to save the result as a CSV file in advance and create IPO curves from the file with CSV Importer.
Start to Use Easily: (Video)
+1. Download a file “CSV_Importer_v0_5beta3_ps.zip” at here. Then unzip it and make sure a file “CSV_Importer_v0_5beta3.py” is created.
+2. Close Blender if running.
+3. Put the file “CSV_Importer_v0_5beta3.py” to “%BlenderInstalledAddress%/Blender/.blender/scripts”. (%BlenderInstalledAddress% means the address in which Blender is installed.)
+4. Have a CSV file. For example, put some time data in the first row and some x-coordinate data in the second row. (You can use a sample CSV file which is included in the zip file and named as “1_Data_MostEasily.csv”.)
+5. Start Blender.
+6. Select an Object. You will animate this Object by importing the CSV file.
+7. Change Window Type from 3D View to Scripts Window.
+8. Select “Scripts >> Animation >> CSV Importer v0.5 beta3 (.csv)” from the menu. CSV Importer will start.
+9. You will see a dialog window to select a file. Select the CSV file which you prepared at the +4. step and click the button, “Import (.csv)”.
+10. You will see a window of setup to import. There are some select boxes under the label “To what key do you want to import the columns:”. These boxes mean each row in the CSV file. The labels, “1:”, “2:” of the boxes are the first, second rows in the file. Select [Frame] from the first box labeled “1:” because you put the time data in the first row of the file at the step +4. In the same way, select [LocX] from the second box labeled “2:” because you put the x-coordinate data in the second row. In this way, you can set up what row you import to what kind of IPO curves.
+11. Click the button, “Import”.
+12. These steps will get CSV Importer to import the file and you will get an IPO curve. (You can see a .blend file which includes the IPO curve created by these steps and the file is included in the zip file and named as “1_Result_MostEasily.blend”.)
A video on how to do the steps described above:
+How to Use CSV Importer v0.5 Most Easily
+The same video in Google Video
More videos on how to use the script:
+How to Import a Mesh with CSV Importer v0.5
+How to Import an Ipo Curve Automatically in AutoMode with CSV Importer v0.5
+How to Import a Mesh Automatically in AutoMode with CSV Importer v0.5
CSV Importer works on Blender. I confirmed it worked well on Blender v2.42-2.49b. In addition, if you use Blender v2.44, then you need to install Python 2.5 as well.
This script is only for Blender 2.4x. You can get another script for Blender 2.5x from this link.
Recent change logs:
v0.5 beta3 (2010/06/07)
+fixed the bug in which it doesn’t import a .csv file with detailed timeline. (Thank you for reporting, okchoir)
Go to here to see all change logs.
Information on CSV Importer:
Here is the page where you can find the reason why I made the script, the list of change logs, the future works and more.
Your comments and criticism is appreciated.