A Script to Import a CSV File and Create Meshes (for Blender 2.5x or later)


I’m new in this forum… so hello everybody
I’ve got a problem with the script csv_fcurve_importer v0_7_alpha1.
I follow exactly your advice for installation but when I try to check the case on “user preferences” the case is blocked.
Maybe I don’t have the good version…
Can you help me?

I’m really sorry for my English, I hope you understand my problem.

Just a detail, my blender version is 2.56.1

Hello Almodys,

csv_mesh_importer v0_7_alpha1.zip is for Blender 2.57 or later.
Some definitions for the add-on code have changed in 2.57, so it fails.
Please use csv_mesh_importer v0_6_alpha4.zip for Blender 2.56.

I just discovered the csv importer script, thanks, it works great for my purposes. I now have a point cloud on a rectangular grid. Ideally I would like to use your point cloud skinner script to assign faces to the vertices but am struggling a bit with 2.49. Just wondering if you have any plans to update this script to use in current (2.58) versions?



Hello James,

Thank you for using the script. I know the point cloud skinner script should need to be updated for Blender 2.5x. But it depends not heavily but a bit more on the 2.4x system. Now I’m reading the code that I created a few years ago and adding its test code to make sure the modification doesn’t change the result. Sometimes it’s a pain and it’s also a problem that I don’t have enough time to work on. But I’m still working… Sorry for your inconvenience.


I try to import a terrain point cloud, but the columns in my file are separated with white spaces.

430380.000 4657165.000 807.547
430385.000 4657165.000 807.786
430390.000 4657165.000 808.025

It is possible to add some more flexibility to your script? for example defining the format of the file with a line of parameters, like a line of code, for example:
1,0.587785252,0.93257434 => x.x",“y.y”,“z.z => x=1 Y= 0.587785252 z= 0.93257434
430385.000 4657165.000 807.786 => x.x” “y.y” “z.z => X=430385.000 Y=4657165.000 z=807.786
mixed cases with operations 4,324 56.876 , 8.8 => y,y” “x” , "z.z/2 => x=56 y=4.324 z=4.4


Hello bleber,

Thank you for your suggestion. Of course, it’s possible. In the code, I used regular expression to analyse .csv files. In the line #70, you will see:

        self.split_line = re.compile(r"[^,]+").findall # type: you can use re.split or re.findall

If you change r"[^,]+" to r"[^,;:\s]+" like:

        self.split_line = re.compile(r"[^,;:\s]+").findall # type: you can use re.split or re.findall

Then the .csv data is split by not only “,” but also “;”, “:”, and " " (space). There are no UI to specify this option yet. Sorry for your inconvenience.

Hi, I’m trying to work csv files in blender 2.6/python interactive console 3.2.1 with a MacBook. Now, when I try to activate the script in ‘blender Users preferences’, the ’ import-export: CSV Mesh importer’ windows doesn’t run (I can’t activate it). I followed the plugin instructions until this point.

Thanks for the help!


I confirmed CSV Mesh Importer 0.7.1 can be installed correctly on Blender 2.61 with my PC of Windows 7. If you still have some trouble, the log in the console might help me to figure out the cause of the problem.

Hans, this is a really cool script.

I don’t have a need for it at the moment, but I’ll bookmark this.

Does this corrently work on Linux?

Thank you for your comment, stefer. I haven’t confirmed yet, but the script doesn’t have the code that depends on OS.

According to the download stat, about 40 people who use Linux have downloaded the script :slight_smile:

thanks. Just figured I’d ask.

Hi Hans,

Great work with both of these scripts. I’ve been learning their functionality over the last couple days and they are extremely useful. I’m not sure though that they are capable of what I am in need of. I would like to use data from an external program to generate a deforming mesh as a function of time. My input data structure can take any format depending on what is most convenient for your scripts. Attached is a small sample of my data. I’ve shown the data in xyz coordinate pairs for each value of time, but can also put the data into meshgrid format if that is convenient. Is something like this possible to achieve with these scripts?




It’s impossible to import it in an easy way with this script. I don’t have any good idea to import it easily.
Maybe you might have to import lines by each time separately and to get many separate objects. Then animate them by switching the layer…

Hello, I was following your instructions to install the plugin, but, when I tried to import the data by clicking the button “import”, I got the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:…\csv_mesh_importer.py”, line 595, in execute
File “C:…\csv_mesh_importer.py”, line 626, in execute_column
File “C:…\csv_mesh_importer.py”, line 83, in read
file = open(filename, “r”)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: "
location:<unknown location>:-1

(I copied word by word from the little box that pops right by the “import” button of the csv mesh importer)

Can you help me please?

is there a reason why this addon places itself in the scene tab rather than being available via File > Import ?


I’m sorry for really late response. Do you still have the problem?

Good day to you Hans. I’m pretty wet behind the ears so excuse my Blender IQ.
What I’m wondering is if there is a way to have my excel data appear as words, symbols etc. on a plane in blender. I’ve successfully added your mesh script and imported the samples but I would like my data to be seen as it is, rather than being converted to dimensional values. Thank you sir

installed your script yesterday, thanks a million! i used the mods suggested by bbattey, don’t know if that is still necessary, but it works great in blender 2.66. i was able to set this up in just a few minutes, as a test piece. this is exactly what i needed. have a great day!


Thank you for your comment and video. I’m glad to hear that.