A Script to Skin a Point Cloud (for Blender 2.6x or Later)

@GAS @kana, hi guys, unfortunately I don’t speak python at all :slight_smile: Does one of you would be kind enough to post this fixed version as urko posted the 2.80 version ? It would be great to use this very useful addon with 2.93 or 3.0 ! Thanks !!!

PointCloudSkinner (v19, t28) for Blender 3.0.0-later.zip (100.9 KB)


So cool ! You’re a genius, THANKS !!!

When I install this, it just says that it’s installed a module, but then no new add-on appears in the list.

EDIT: Manually ran the .py file inside of the .zip but just got a bunch of these…
Going to try a paid add-on or Meshlab or something and see if I can get results.

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Same problem here - only “modules installed” and no new addon on the list.
I’d love to try it out. Maybe someone python-wise would be able to fix it.

This ZIP is not the addon… extract it and load the 55 TestBentch_t27.blend file to see instructions… (The pure t28_PointCloudSkinner1_Umbrella.py file is the actual addon.)

…exampe works with 3.3 LTS on linux…

Just discovered this now… :100: :+1: :heart_eyes:

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Thanks for the instruction!