A Short movie idea (re-thunk)

an idea i just thought of that no on else i know has considered.

What whould happen if all the universes became one?
now im only going to use stuff from this list:
Star Trek
Star Wars
Babylon 5

definitely star wars!

I heard a couple of time of combinaison between several sci-fi universe…I saw things like star wars/star trek/babylon 5 together…

just as a warning, I hope you do understand that mixing such stuff can become tricky…even more if you plan on doing a short movie…

well good luck

anyone who wishes to contribute models can if they want, they will be given full credit.
i may make my own models from the animorphs universe to add in.

just think of this a large space battle between Gua’uld, Borg, Federation, New Republice, The Empire, the Earth allience, the shadows,and the vorlons. Damn that is going to be long and complicated, but so so sweet.

if you want i will help you, got nothing better to do with my spare time :wink:

can u pm me ur aim or msn? if u got it easier to talk and trade and get things done then :stuck_out_tongue:

star trek has USS Voyager with abrasive armor and transphasic torpeados
star wars has death star
Stargate has all kinds of Ancient weapons yet to be discovered
Babylon 5 has the shadow death cloud and vorlon planet killer

i just need some people to make models from the shows/movies i have listed.
we can find most ships on different blender websites.
we could use some hand weapons like:
Phaser rifle III
Staff weapon
and anything else you can think of.
(i going to do charicter animation and my freind is going to do ships.)

i’ve gottin 2 people to help me so far… any one else?

Did you just seriously jump from idea to production in ONE day?
Planning, planning, planning, mate, that’s what it’s all about. The project has a 99.999% of miserable failure otherwise.

  • Benjamin

we are still planning, figurring out what models we need and such. any help would be usefull.

This has already been done. And it was done by the efforts of many modelers and animators. Not meaning to discourage you, but you have alot of work to do.


oh…ok… well this is also going to include foot battles and space battles. the movie itself will only be about 10mins long

Do you have a script? a storyboard? How do you know it will be 10 minutes? Have you timed everything or did you just pull that number out of your ass? How do you know what models you’re going to need? How far away are they from the camera? Will they need a lot of detail?

Answer these questions and you’ll be 25% done with planning. Then you can finish planning. Then you can start modeling and texturing and animating.

no script yet
no storyboard
the movie cant be to long. i need to be able to complete it in 3 months, so we figured that 10 min was a good number to start off with.
we are going to need these models:
replicater, startgate, Jaffa staff weapon, Zat-gun, P-90, MP-5, M-16
replicator ship, Gua’uld mother ship, alkesh (i think that is how its spelled), Death glider, x-302, x-303, and a asguard ship.
Star trek:
Phaser, Phaser rifle 3, TNG style ships, Borg ships,
Star Wars:
droids of any kind, ships from episodes 4, 5, and 6, lightsaber.
Babylon 5:
Star fury, White star, other ships of the non allied worlds, B5 style guns (i forgot what they are called)
Andilite domeship and fighters, Yeerk pool ship, blade ship, and bug fighters.

most of the human characters i can make using make human.
the models will need to be very detailed, at least some of them that is.
there are going to be several close ups.

here are a few schematics.

here is a site of schematics:

i’ve set up a seperate fourm site for the project.

How on earth do you know what models you’re going to need (and how detailed they need to be) without a script?

Script first. Models and timing later.

Of course, that’s just my advice. I’ve been working on a five minute animation (according to my script) for almost 2 years now. Granted, I’ve taken a couple breaks and started another 5-minute animation (jet getting out of planning… we have the script and concept sketches and are beginning our models) 4 months ago… but I think I’ve made my point.

i have a general idea of whats going to happen, and i know what kind of camera shots i will have

if anyone has or is working on one of those models and want to contribute please post it here or PM me.