a toaster: European continental power plug to start with

Just having a go at a toaster. Started with the plug.
Click for a bigger picture. Cycles.
Crits and comments are welcome !

Wow, at first I thought that it was the reference picture! That looks 100% like a real power plug (and yea, I’m from Europe so I know what they look like!). Got nothing to criticize. It’s perfect!

Agreed, this is phenomenal. I’m not sure if you used a texture or hard-modelled the little symbols on the side but it looks amazing. Depending on the manufacturer of the toaster however, the plastic might be a touch more glossy. Of course I don’t know what look you’re going for but that would be the ONLY thing I could dream of changing. The metal also looks great, with small variations as well as dents. Just stunning!


@DavidRoschewitz: The symbols are a bump map. I’ve drawn them on Inkscape using a plug i’ve had in the room as a reference.
The plastic of my reference isn’t much more glossy than that, but it is way more dirty ! I think I should paint a diffuse map with signs of wear, taints, etc. Thanks for the nice words !
@ninjinx: hehe, no, it’s not a reference image. Thanks. I also have quite a lot of devices here that use the British plugs too (woodworking power tools): I used to live in the UK before. So my house has a mix of UK and continental plugs…
My Toaster will be based on a Russell Hobbs classic model, but I’ll take some liberty (is that correct?) with it.

Below is another shot: You can see some problems on the metal pins (not enough vertice, needs 1 subsurf level) and smoothing/normal trouble too.

EDIT: subsurf added

I saw this thread, and thought “Hmm, long title for a basic topic”. But this is one of the most accurate models I have ever seen, despite its simplicity. WELL DONE!!

nice one

can you show wiremesh

done in cycles ?

happy 2.6

Nice job, indeed.


…yup that’s the right word, but I always feel, “artistic licence” conveys the correct meaning. :yes:

Here is a wire as seen in the viewport. I know some people manage to shoot extremely nice wireframe renders… I just don’t know how !

Coming next is the toast.

First time I’ve put a toast in my scanner !
I’ve had trouble making the textures flow nicely from one face to the other. I believe it is reasonnable for now.

Here is the toaster. Version 0.9 beta

Not happy with that. I overdone the wear on it: it seems 10 years old. I had to change the plug colour to black as well.
But i am quite satisfied with the cooking of the slices. Just the way i like them !

Cycles, quite a lot of samples, HDR lighting.

toast seem to be thin a little !

or they shrunk a lot in toaster !LOL

should add a more appropriate scene counter or table ect

anyway to do these toast with procedural texture may be?

happy 2.6