A treasure chest


This is my first post here and I hope to learn a lot from you guys. I got an idea of making a treasure chest (no other reason, it just stuck in my head and could not let it go) and I thought I would figure out all the details myself. I googled some reference photos and then mixed the parts I liked. I am not very good at texturing, so I used the textures here: http://www.blenderguru.com/videos/create-realistic-materials-with-cycles/
And tweaked the rusty metal and the wood textures a little to get something that fits my needs.

I am still thinking about putting the chest on a sandy seashore (instead of the popular white plain), but I don’t have much experience with materials like sand. So how would you do that? I’ve tried to play around with noise and some colors but it didn’t give very good results. Any feedback or suggestion is appreciated.

This is how it looks right now:

I like it!
It looks well done, and well textured, just the wood textures is a bit too blurred, I guess because of its size; you could try to add contrast to it in an image editing program.
I would suggest also to better differentiate metal and wood texture because they have a quite similar tone.
Maybe the metal could be darker than the wood, maybe the opposite, it could depend on several factors, I would prefer the former.

As for the sand, I would sculpt a plane, then a noise as bump texture should do the effect.

Keep it up!


You should try to individually make the planks and keep the same texture just so that you get some more realism. I don’t think it would be hard at all, make sure you have all the plankes as one object or whatever so you can uv unwrap it to look the same as it does now. Also maybe try getting a higher res of that texture (you might be able to if getting it off of CG textures.) Also I can’t tell if there is a bump mapping or not, you could also possibly do a displace modifier for the planks. If you’d like I can do the displace texture and normal map for you, just send me the link to the texture.

Hi guys!

Thank you for the suggestions.

@sourvinos: I will experiment with the textures. I will try to find another wood texture, and also see if it works better with other color variations.

@ImmortalZombie: the planks are individually modeled, so I probably don’t understand what you are trying to say. Should I apply the textures individually? Thank you for offering help in doing the displace and normal map. I’m also curious how are you doing that? I will try the sand according to your suggestions. I need to polish my sculpting skills anyway… :slight_smile:

Hi! I just wanted to post an update to show that I am trying to improve what I’ve got so far. I wasn’t very good with applying another wood texture (I tried 3), so I used the existing one and tweaked it a little more. Still need to do the plain.
That’s how it looks now:

Just a quick update. I added the sand with some sculpting… now I tempted to try to add some water to the scene…