A tryout procedural skin texture for cycles

This is my first try of an skin texture in cycles.
Blender 2.63a the official release.
The scene I used is the Blender Material Preview Scene (B.M.P.S) for Cycles
by Robin “tuqueque” Marín.

This is the node setup.

Any suggestions to make it better are more then welcome.
Probably only looking kinda good in this scene and needs work for other setups.
You are welcome to use this and change it around as you like.
Not much, but its a first try :wink:


hi, pretty good for a first attempt :slight_smile:

It’s okay, but you will never get anywhere without SSS or some similar effect.

That’s true, maybe in 2.64 with the Ray Length.
This is just a tryout with what’s there without special builds and without post composition( where I could combine BI and cycles).
So looking forward for the next official release. :wink:

you could always grab a build from graphicall & be ready for 2.64 :wink:

you have to use fresnel glossy.

Actually there’s many ways to do this.
Here I use svn blender.
Materials from my cycles matlib.
Barbie & Marilyn.

not perfect yet. Barbie renders really quick, Marilyn is much slower.
I’ll post node setups soon.
Let’s Make some skin!

Here is my version of the surface