A very old house

I am trying to achieve semi-photo realistic render of an old house from the Old Town of Aarhus (Gamle By i Århus).

This is my render so far:

UPDATE (Made the house tilted a bit).


This is my newest version:

Render time dramatically increased: 2.26.19 (Titan graphics card).

It looks a little bit repetitive as is. Also, the shingles look too thin, almost 2D, to me. It could be the lighting, I’m not sure. The street looks a bit flat to me, too. When I imagine old houses, I think of the street as sloping down to the middle. But it looks good so far. I like the haphazard angle of the upper story.

Thank you. I edited my scene a bit, according to what you said.
Is this better?

(EDIT: Added a bit more vegetation around the edges of the base).

Although I did make the roof shingles a bit larger (by depth), they are in 3D. I don’t understand what you mean by they look 2D.


I like it. I especially like the wobbling of the large beams holding the first floor. Maybe the grain on those wooden parts is a bit height. From the render I cannot discern what material the steps are made of. I would say it looks like really small flat stones. The bricks could probably have a bit more bump.
Into which time frame belongs this building? How did you do the roof? That is one issue I have not yet figured out how to do it.

Thanks. I added a bit more bump to the bricks, but not much, as I think it would destroy the picture.

I also rendered a better resolution of my image after adding some more vegetation.

To answer your question regarding how I did the roof:
It is pretty simple, you make one roof tile/shingle and give it an array modifier, both up and down.
At some point, according to how your roof is tilted, swayed etc. you may have to duplicate your roof.
Finally, you apply all the modifiers, and select all the top faces of your roof and give it a Ceramic texture.
You then scale it accordingly.

The small bumps and dots and so on that exists on a ceramic texture, will then be scaled up, and you will see it applied to your tiles, where some gets darker than others, some a brown, some a red etc.

Eventually you could add those in GIMP (though I didn’t in this project), but don’t EVER do it inside Blender, it will crash with that many tiles.

The time frame is from the 16th to the 17th century.
It is a model of a house belonging to a merchant named Poul Pop from 1571.


Hey Philosopher! Nice model! Are you from Aarhus? I thought I knew that house from the thumbnail and then its from “Den gamle by” my favourite place in Aarhus.

No, I’m not from Aarhus.

Yes, the model is a replica of the house from the Den Gamle By.
It’s my favorite place too, in Aarhus.

I don’t understand what you mean by they look 2D.

The shingles look like a plane on their horizontal edge. But to be fair it looks the same on the reference picture, so I guess it’s not a problem.

The vegetation helps a lot just adding some color. Speaking of color, your model looks muted compared to the real picture. Your lighting makes it look like it’s either overcast or dusk, I don’t know whether that’s intentional or not.

I made this. Yes, I know the windows look odd with the splatter… but I don’t know how else I should make the windows get some dirt on them.

Hi Philosopher.
Nice house you have made here, I really like the unevenness of the wood.
The windows in your latest upload isnt as good as previous imo. If you want to add dirt to them, you could add it directly on the texture in GIMP.

Nice project! One little detail is that the shingles on the roof are overlapping in the wrong direction.

Yes, someone told me that, and I have fixed it now.

I really like this. Beautiful work.

If I have any comments it is this: are you planning to fill up the scene more? At the moment it doesn’t really feel very “lived in”. It strikes me a bit as an out-of-season open air museum, if you know what I mean.

I don’t know, could be anything. Some laundry, a cup on the bench, as if someone was just sitting there with a coffee. Maybe one of the windows open, etc.


I did think about adding some more props and other stuff. But for now, I just want the house to look realistic.

BTW. the house really does exists - in an open air museum (Den Gamle By i Aarhus, Old Town Museum of Aarhus), and the area looks very much the same that I just made in my scene.