Abandoning ship, but... to where?

I wouldn’t give up BGE for any price. Ont only because it’s easier, but it’s more hardware friendly than those mass engines whatsoever. And the lower requirements, the more people are capable to run the game. It won’t limit to the billionaires with massive super computers.

So, I want to open up a serious, mature, civil discussion about that thing people are worried about: where to go next

Lol people here are not worried, BGE will live for many years to come, so no need to go to an other engine.

Problem you have is, you can’t make a game with BGE, this is wanting you to go to an other engine, so that you can’t create a game there as well. Other engine same story, so stick with BGE and create some games.

The poster said, and I quote:

“Some will want to stay with BGE through thick and thin. And personally, I hate that alternative. It’s stubborn, unproductive, and unhealthy. Plus, if you want anyone to take you or your work seriously, you really need to be open to moving beyond dead tools.”


“I guess that leaves non-Blender alternatives. Let’s talk about the big three, as far as “game engines” go: Unity, Unreal, and Godot.”

To which, your response was to immediately talk about exactly what the topic starter didn’t want to talk about. And I’m the troll here?

This is the last that I’ll contribute to the derailment of the thread, but for gods’ sake man, have a little perspective regarding how you come across to other people…[SUB][SUP]

I believe they didn’t really read the post

I wouldn’t give up BGE for any price. Not only because it’s easier, but it’s more hardware friendly than those mass engines whatsoever. And the lower requirements, the more people are capable to run the game. It won’t limit to the billionaires with massive super computers.


‘sinking ship’

the whole thread is based on a fallacy.

Ketsji Engine has not died.

The people who abandoned it Years ago, changed their own source.

btw youle pushed the update to 2.79 sources to ketsji so we have PBr node glsl node very soon in ketsji fork .

“the poster”
“a troll”

You guys clearly don’t recognize me, I’ve been around for years. Up until recently I was a huge believer in BGE. But I clearly backed the wrong horse, and everyone outside of this forum agrees. I’m moving on because I’m tired of the crazy devotees and of being mocked and ridiculed for being STUPID enough to back such a shitty engine for so long.

I’m a fucking idiot, I guess.

I was talking about mistran and M93984838e numbers and dantus.

I like you*

we have commits this morning (kinda) we are still learning*

I’m sorry. For that, and forr the post in the other thread. I’m just frustrated, I guess. This is a stressful time in my life.

it’s ok I totally understand*

Your fork is not the BGE. It is unlikely that it will ever officially replace the BGE. The BGE is dead. I, for instance, cannot fork blender and set the UI colors hardcoded to neon pink and green, and then make the claim that Blender only allows a pink and green interface. Tails cannot make claims that Blender and BforArtists are one and the same. The Blender Game Engine, as recognized by the Blender Foundation and the Blender Institute, is dead. Some Blender game engine (notice the little G’s) may some day take its place, in which case there will be a new Blender Game Engine, but for the time being, the BGE is dead as a doornail. If you continue down the path of maintaining and updating your fork, you will undoubtedly realize exactly why BGE was killed off. It needs so much more than some PBR shaders and post effects to be considered a viable game engine at a production level.

Regardless, going around saying that BGE is not dead is not only disingenuous, but is actively hurting potential new users. You are over-promising on a future that you may never be able to deliver upon. There’s a proverb about counting your chickens before hatched… there isn’t one about selling your unlaid eggs to a starving family as full-grown chickens ahead of time, which is exactly what you’re trying to do to new users.

This is a thread about other game development options for those who are interested. You chose to make it about you and your pet project against the wishes of the OP.

This is good and important.

Yeah, working on that last part, but it does kind of suck losing support of an organization with the size and strength of the BF. I care, and in theory it’s good for the community to vent our problems.

show me a commit where the Bf coded something for the bge that was not a side effect of fixing up the viewport glsl nodes (for blender internal)

then show me the date on that*

there are 23 versions of upbge
[they are into version] 2.3

we have fbo, vbo, offscreen render, multiple passes etc.

what do you need post proccessing we don’t have?

youle worked on upbge* and has 1000s of commits.
tell me how we have no legitimacy?

most of the bge community already uses upbge
Ketsji is just contributing to what Upbge started.

That’s a very disingenuous comparison. Building a game is nothing like drawing a picture. It’s more like constructing a building: it takes lots of know-how from lots of different backgrounds and the right tools for the job. If someone handed you a crowbar and told you to paint the Mona Lisa with it, you’d look at them like they’re nuts. Sometimes, the quality and utility of the tool does affect the outcome of the produced work. Could DaVinci have made something neat using a crowbar as a paintbrush? Sure. But he was an expert among experts. And at the end, he’d still probably wish he’d had a better tool…

Play my game. k.thnx.bye.

So, m29i3iu3i4i3i8

Do you know anyone with a dog that is a little old,
but it’s a smart old dog and everyone loves it?

you should go put it down for them,
(don’t ask them the dog is outdated just kill it with fire).

I think you see where I am going here.

I know I am 35 and I am still growing so…

And therein lies your issue: You view the BGE as something that you have an attachment to. You literally just compared something with the utility of a hammer or a wrench to a living being. When a screwdriver breaks in half, you replace it. When a knife has been sharpened down to the nub, you get a new one. When an old car breaks down and it costs more to fix than to replace, you sell it for scrap. This isn’t Cuba. You don’t have to bend over backwards to keep the same car running for 50-60 years, and if you do want to do that, it certainly doesn’t help other people in the market for a new car to offer them welding lessons so that they can just fix their old junker.

Hell, even if we ignored the insanity of anthropomorphizing a game engine and we did stick with the old dog metaphor, if a vet comes to you and says “Your dog is sick, can’t be fixed, and is actively hurting other dogs” and you still insist on keeping it alive, then yes, you are being incredibly selfish because of your personal inability to detach in a healthy, human way. The BF is the vet. The BGE is the dog.

Nope. dog is alive and doing well and people love it.

people are even replacing parts with new ones.

eventually its a new dog without ever putting it down.

it’s not hurting anyone except unity/ue4 bottom line and I intend to push those figures up.

you don’t have facts about anything other than ‘its old’

did you review what has been done in the upbge sources?

I honestly don’t care what the BF does. Ketsji works well for my purposes and I don’t feel like re-writing my work for a different engine. So… meh.

That’s a very disingenuous comparison. Building a game is nothing like drawing a picture. It’s more like constructing a building: it takes lots of know-how from lots of different backgrounds and the right tools for the job. If someone handed you a crowbar and told you to paint the Mona Lisa with it,…


your arguments are invalid :wink:

It’s all about the artist, not the tool.

I’m tired of the crazy devotees and of being mocked and ridiculed for being STUPID enough to back such a shitty engine for so long.

No offence, but your are stupid enough to let yourself be mislead by people hooked on new trends and fancy shiny engines.
That’s the same as not using Blender because it is not famous and nobody in the game industry is using it, except small and “deluded indies”. :smiley:
Yes, no AAA company is using Blender. Blender is baaad and weak 3d program, everyone in the game industry will mock you if you use Blender…so lets stop using it.
Do you understand what I’m trying to say. :slight_smile:
Everybody is free to use whatever he wants…whining about BGE is really making me laugh.
Just use another engine and take care. :wink: (not you exactly MichelleSea, I’m using “you” as all who are frightened and won’t stop posting BS)