Absolute MINDBENDING Caustics!

I tried now in Blender the new Light Tracing feature of Luxrender. This took with two 2070 only 1 minute, while the CPU, a really old i7 3770K took over the caustic calculations. 500 samples with OIDN.
My GAWD :smiley: now there are insanely fast caustics and pools and ice and i could go on forever realistically possible :smiley:
This is just one light and the caustics from the glass cube. :heart: :smiley: IM SOLD! :smiley: Not even Octane can do this sharp caustics with the PMC kernel, i totally tried.
If there would be a way to do light tracing in GPU, that would be insane, but as i read its bi-dir magic bound to CPU stuff. Still because the CPU does only the tracing part for the GPUs, it’s CRAZY fast. I for one, welcome our luxrender overlords :smiley:

Even if there is a far zoom out the caustics stay bright and sharp to the horizon. Crazy… :smiley:
Here with a higher exposure.


Except, there’s still a lot that Lux doesn’t do as well, and what we really need is an optimised caustics engine in cycles. I don’t see that happening any time soon, though.

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Yes, i noticed, for example if you want to see the caustics through the glas, you can only do it by time consuming GI cache. Yes we would need a caustics engine for cycles, but that implies again bi-dir stuff that sadly only works on CPUs. Only if by a miracle we would get a full bidir/MLT solution on GPU trough some genius developer, but that would imply some insane innovation. :smiley:

The funniest part is that while speaking of caustics, pathtracing, bidirectional blackmagic, GI cache etc… your nick reversed still is… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Lol, how did you even see that? :smiley:

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Reverse engineering! :joy:

Yes, I began in the 90s with scanline renderers like renderman and it totally stuck :smiley: