Abstract piece, rendered in BI, no post-pro:
1920 X 1200
Very nice vicky. How was it done?
Thank you! That’s a twisted torus with custom settings and face loops deleted, then solidified. I wacked it up with a simple deform and pulled it in a few directions by hand. Then I set the camera focal point at 10 and zoomed in to distort the view(you can see the camera jammed up against it in the screenshot). Subsurf modifier at 4 as well for ultra-smoothness. Of course I had to spin it around to get a cool abstract, but I knew what I was looking for. Blue area light on the right, and light tan area on the left, no AO or environment or anything. Best thing about this is I can now make about 400 abstracts with just this one scene
Wow!!! nice job. I love how well it all works together. Really smart build.
@eagleflyer: Thanks! This is that camera trick I was telling you about on your glowy abstract piece. I hope it also shows people that you don’t need to use the compositor on everything.
I love your workaround and I do like the result. Excellent.
oh thats what you meant. At the time I was wondering just what you were saying and didnt really understand at all. Now I want to try it out.
@michalis: Thanks very much! These things aren’t easy to light
@eagleflyer: Ha! No problem. I just think you were working backwards is all, the picture needed some love first before even thinking about nodes. Nodes should be the LAST thing you think of.
haha ok. here is the update better/worse? http://www.blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?302527-Abstract-Art&p=2440015#post2440015
Cool! You should try making the background white and adding a progressive wireframe to the material. It’ll look like the Autodesk Maya logos
Thanks a lot! I actually intended to for my edge render thread, should look pretty cool (I hope)
that’s what ppl see when they get high
I’ll do my best to not take that as an insult :eyebrowlift2:
Tutorial can be found here on my deviantART page, should be up on here too as soon as it goes through moderation (hopefully)
Hope you enjoy it!
That’s really cool. Reminds me of some of the things I’ve made with TopMod.
Steve S
Much appreciated! I have in my sketchbook the “linking stars” done strictly in Blender if you want to check it out: http://www.blenderartists.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=246787&d=1373986832
Used to be a big TopMod user myself (CRASH), but now Blender can do most of it, if not all. StanPancakes and I ran into issues with the loft tool, but we got it in the end
very cool…almost looks procedural, but with more human touch
Thank you! These are very dependent on a good camera angle(and 3 simple deform modifiers doesn’t hurt), but most of the fun is finding a good spot and lighting it I think these things are quite human indeed
I like eet
It looks cool and interesting but I wont say it
s abstract. XD