Access and modify values on an instanced object

I am hoping there is a simple solution for this!
Lets say I make a flower in in one geo node modifier and the stems in another and then bring in the flower and instances it on the stems.

In the flower I have a value of the angle of the petals that I would like to be driven by an age attribute in the “stem” simulation is there a way of doing this or do I have to make them part of the same node tree?
I think it woud be so much easier to organize to be able to do this also I tend to be overwelmed when I open such node trees

best regards

A instance is like a linked object. When you edit a linked object, all the linked objects get edited the same. To make a linked object editable without affecting the others, you have to make it unique. In GN the equivalent of that is to Realize it.

Instead, be clear about what are instances and what are generators.


… here I have some points and I’m capturing some random values on those points which will drive the flower “openness”… then I instance some spirals and Realize those (this is very important, without doing this they will all be the same). Only then do I instance the petals and at that point drive the “openness” of the petals from my captured value.

If you have a node-group that makes the flower and you have a input that sets the “openness”, then you can use a Repeat zone instead to create one flower instance every step (for as many flowers as you want to create). This will also work but is not as performant as the method shown above.

It helps to think about it as a puzzle involving lots of points from the start and things will be simpler.

Remember that you can still organize complex node-trees into node-groups to make it easier to reason about. e.g. The above network can be a single node-group that takes in points and spits out flowers, so it’s doable.

Hope that helped.


Thank you! the metod above is the method I have been using, sort of. How ever there is some limitations in terms of scale for example. If I bring in a node groupe and the scale is of, then that affects the hole node group when I realize it (not a big problem). also I think it would be som much more convinient to be able to “publish” an attribute and be able to modify it in another objects geo node tree.

To ad the value to the points of a new objects geo nodes and to modify the attribute on points and send it to the instances. Im aware that I might think totaly wrong here in terms of where the values are stored

But if I make a copy of the “flower”, I can edit the angle value of the petals individualy for every copy.

By the Way I will try the repeat zone trick and see if it works better with my brain…
Thanks again

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