Access texture in Cycles

Is there texture node in cycles that allows me to read any texture in Blender? I’m trying to read procedural texture created for displacement modifier.

These are the textures you can use

Is there texture node in cycles that allows me to read any texture in Blender? I’m trying to read procedural texture created for displacement modifier.
What do you mean by ‘read’ ? What do you want to do ? Please supply clear concise description plus an example screenshots and blend files etc

I have an object with displacement modifier with a musgrave texture. I want to use color ramp in a material for the object to make deeper parts different color, but when I add image texture node I can’t pick the musgrave texture that displacement modifier uses.

unfortunatly you can’t. :frowning: At least with the Displacement Modifier.
what is possible, is to use the displacement from Cycles, by turning the experimental feature set on, and the displacement method to ‘true’.

I’ve tried material true displacement, but this way would be more flexible. Thanks.

yah, i know… And before 2.5 you could even use the nodes to create the displacement for the modifier, which was totally cool. (for the BI at the time)

It would be really interesting to have some connectivity between the cycles nodes and modifiers… but they are still two separate worlds. :frowning:

Thanks again, I was just wondering why displacement stops working when I check Use Nodes for the texture. If I use displacement output in the material instead of displace modifier can I emit hair particles from the displaced surface?