Achieving micro reflections


I discovered recently interesting photo of a teapot with a specific type of micro reflections at the edges of different objects. How can I replicate them? Is there a certain light placement that will work for me?

Regardless of the lighting or light placement other than to add light to the image, I create Micro Roughness ( that’s what it is called) in the shader editor…

Right is just Principled with roughness maxed out

The Center is Diffuse and Glossy with roughness maxed out mixed with Fresnel as a factor of the mix…

Far Left is the Micro-Roughness
Here is a Group Node that contains all the nodes needed…

and how it is connected to the material…


Hello and welcome to the forum !

Can you highlight what you’re talking about so we are really sure we talk about the same thing ?

If you consider the main teapot as a rough sphere, it’s easy to tell what is the light setup. Basically there are two main light sources on the sides that create these impacts of lights on glossy surfaces.

If you plan to redo the same setup, keep in mind that the shape is quite elaborated, for instance to get those specs on the water you’ll have to make that surface a bit concave to account for surface tension. If the water surface is just a plane it won’t work obviously…

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Additional to what was meantioned.Your teacups edges needs to be beveled.Otherwise if you just have sharp edges you dont have enough area for your reflections.

For the material itself,i would treat it like a skin shader.Instead of pores you have tiny bumps.Potterie material if glazed are not that rough but have a bit bumpy surface.

These bumps are comeing from the clay used.You can get fine grainy clay to very coarse clay.During the production the coarse clay gives you the bumpy reliefs you maybe have seen sometimes.

From what i see on your photo i guess its rather semi matte,not complete rough looking.

Otherwise btw,porcelain is very fine material which looks very smooth,glass like though.

If you need a material setup,i have made some ceramics here (maybe there are better mats outthere,just have a look)

There was a whole thread on this very subject:

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