Add-new-bone problem

Hello masters!
I have an armature parented to a character and I’ve already assigned vertex group to every single bone.Now, I forgot to put a bone for the neck (I know, i know,shame on me). I tried to add the bone in edit mode and parenting the character to that bone as well but it didn’t look to be a good idea.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!

You didn’t need to parent the entire character to that new bone. What you should have done is simply go in edit mode, select the neck vertices, and assign them to a vertex group with that new bone’s name. Also, those vertices should be removed from vertex groups of other bones.

I think you should clear the parent of the character (ALT+P) and then follow the steps above to use the new bone for the neck.

Moved to the correct forum.

Safest way is to Subdivide one of the existing bones in the vicinity of the neck, like the Head bone. Then just reassign Vert Groups for those two bones.


thanks guys!