Add object in vertex color v3

Hello guys! :grin:
I’m here to demonstrate my new version of adding object in the vertex color.

there are 7 object slots that are added by the color of the corresponding vertex.

I added more freedom to the component, bug fixes and optimization.

Randomize VertexColor: if true, the terrain will be painted randomly.

==== Adding objects ====
Red Color Object: put the name of the object that is added with the red color of the vertex.

Red Randomize Chance: if “Randomize VertexColor” true, chance of an object being added to the terrain.

Red Obj Position: (Optional) to adjust the position of the added object.
=== ===

this component is able to read the color of the vertices and add objects selected by you;

Is supported: groups of objects or just one object.

now has an extra option!
this option is interesting if you want to add objects specifically at the tips of mountains.

Mountain Height: activate this option if you want to use mountain height

Height: the height of the mountain where you want the objects to appear.
Mountain Object: name of the object to be added.
Mountain Object %: chance of the object appearing on the mountain(1.000 is 100%).
Mountain Obj Position: (Optional) to adjust the position of the added object.

V3 demo

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if you liked or want some improvement, please do your feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

AddObject_Vetexcolor_3.0Fix.blend (1.9 MB)


Reported problem fix

Does not work in Standalone Player.

AddObject_Vetexcolor_3.1Fix.blend (1.9 MB)

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