[Add-on]A remesher based on CWF paper


This project is the implementation of CWF paper in Blender.


·Directly remesh the selected mesh object.

·Set target sampling value


·CWF: Simply put, the algorithm focuses on maintaining a uniform distribution of vertices in the topology, rather than like QuadRemash or Instantmeshes, and the original code is relatively slow in running speed

·DEMO: The first version has only been initially implemented and has not been optimized for speed. The implementation of some parameters is still under development


Wow great. How do i use it ? I can’t find it. No tab, F3 search brought nothing for CWF or remesh.

There should be a “CWF” panel in the 3DView, and the operator should be called “mesh.cwfremesh”.

I have not installed it, just got it from looking at the code itself. Keep in mind you should be careful with little to known python addons since python is a pretty powerful language. Not the case here (though I didn’t check all of it), just a friendly reminder

Ok, thank you ! I was kind of suspicious because of the lack of information. You think it’s safe ? maybe i wait until someone with more knowledge tries it ?

At present, it is the first generation version, while others are still being optimized. I think it is necessary to do some extra things on the mesh to improve speed. Currently, processing 3 million faces is already very slow